Friday, March 10, 2023

The Reason 'Why'.

Yesterday... was a mighty difficult day. 

Received some news from our Lawyer, Josey Wales... late, yesterday morning.
{God Bless Him. He keeps me off the Ledge, mostly. Not an easy task, since dealing with IDOT, and Fairfax.}

I'm not going to write about it, yet...this last little episode, will be in The Book.
I...truly wouldn't believe it myself, if we weren't 'Living' it....and watching it unfold.
First response...was anger, but...the anger... boiled down to pure...

Disappointment in people...whom, I...always, foolishly...felt would be looking out for Citizens.
Would be fair, do their homework, what we are paying them for.
Not that a paycheck should matter. Honesty, and integrity... should.

When Son, Justin... sent me the very song, last night...
I'd posted...early in the day...before I had any information... it struck me funny.
Sadly, there's Nothing...Funny, about Justin, feeling the same way I do, about this town's City Hall, and how we've been so wrongfully treated.
There are Many.... who feel the same way.
Many... who wish I'd get out of here, for my sanity, and health.
All of my Family.
All...of my Friends.
Everyone, who cares about me.
That's heartbreaking.

If...I could pick up...this little triangle, and move it all...
I'd have left Fairfax, several years ago, when the IDOT...came sniffin' around, with Fairfax's {former} mayor, and hired engineer.

Our go around with IDOT, back in the 1990's.... turned my hair white.
John...handed that mess to me.
He...couldn't take it.
It was heartbreaking.
We lost all confidence in them, back then.
Grateful...for a Great Lawyer, back then. 
{Josey Wales', Dad. 'Bulldog Bill'. ; ) }

These last several YEARS... having to fight them, have truly taken a toll.
A Toll, that should Never, Ever.... happen to anyone.
Had the IDOT, only... kept our Recorded Agreement, their Recorded 'Word'....
I wouldn't be writing this.

The more we dig... sadly...the more I...see, there was nothing 'random'... about all of this.
'The Book'...
I'll be writing, when this all comes to an end, will open many eyes.
Hopefully, what's happened, and is happening to us, will Never, Ever...
to anyone again.
When this all comes to an End...
We'll All Know, 
The Reason

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{So Those, who send texts...and message me, with Support, Love... and Prayers.}
: )
One Day at A Time. 
; )
Thank You.

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