Friday, July 26, 2024

Andrea True Connection - More, More, More (1976)

Shellsburg, Iowa 'Living Estate' Sale!! August 1 thru 4!! We're Still Unpacking, and Sorting!! We Keep Finding More... More... More!!

We found some Awesome Things, yesterday.
: )
Seems Every Single Day Is Full of Surprises!!

There's Tons of Sheet Music...
Great Old Books!!
Great... Modern Books!!

<3 <3 <3 

Bill found the Dolls, and Amazing 1930's Butterfly Quilt Top!!
The Fabrics are INCREDIBLE!!



oh my.
; )

Love the little Bottle Cap Dude.: )
Reminded me of Pal, Gail.... 
Bill pointed out the 'Naughty Trick'... the Bottle Cap Dude does, when ya lift his 'can'.
: )
: ) : ) : )
; )

Was so tired...last night when I got home... could hardly form a sentence.
That 'Bug'... from last week, oh dear.
Thank God... Bill's The Energizer Bunny!!!
; )

We'll keep Forgin' Ahead!!
Stay Tuned!!
Oh.... My!!
: )

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Everly Brothers - Wake Up Little Susie ( 1957 )

Info... for The Shellsburg, Iowa 'Living Estate Sale' !!

 Shellsburg, Iowa 'Living Estate Sale'!!
Over 60 Years Accumulation!!
{address closer to Sale Time.}

August 1, 2, 3 & 4!!
9 - 6
{entrance order numbers at 8:30 a.m. August 1st., and 4th.
 No Early Sales. }

August 1st. & 2nd. 
Full Price.

August 3rd.
25% Off.

August 4th.
50% Off.
{The '05 Chrysler Sebring is Excluded from 'discounts'}

This is a 'Tag Sale'...

All Items will be Tagged, ready to Sell.
No 'Bidding' involved.
; )

'Entrance Order' Numbers are handed out in the order Folks arrive before 8:30 a.m., through the busiest part of the morning...  to keep order on the two busiest Sale mornings.
The Opening Day, and
the Last Day.
We will be inviting the first 30 people inside this Sale at 9 a.m., then a few at a time, as Folks spread out, and thin out.

This is a Lovely Sale...
The Home, is for sale, as well.
Richard, the Owner, has lived his entire 89 years, in Benton County.
Farmed... most of those Years.
: )
He, and his late Wife, Eleanor, gathered some Great Things over their 61 years Together.

Stay Tuned!!
We'll be Updating Daily, through Sale Time!!
: )

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Just... Heading to The Shellsburg Estate Sale!! Flooding Issues... Again, This Morning, at Home. Images of The Sale... will be Late, Tonight!!

Got a little rain, this mornin'.
Since The IDOT's Highway 151/City of Fairfax, Iowa 'Bike Trail'... Accommodations, well...
this morning, marks #17 Flood, in our Home. 

Not to mention... where the rain is ponding, that it Never did 'before' 2020. 
Needed to take a stroll... in the rain, and capture those images.
Lawyer Meardon, May God Bless Him....
must have Quite a Photo Album, these days.
: (
Seems whoever painted The IDOT's and Fairfax's Bike Trail 151 Bridge... needs to be called back.
; )
It's only 4 years old. 
: (
Those Highway 151 Bridge/Fairfax Trail... Light Pole Bolts.
 Waiting.... waiting.... waiting. 

They look pretty sad, and abandoned.

Kinda like this entire IDOT/Fairfax 151 Bridge 'project', in my opinion.
Seems... Nobody from The City, or... IDOT ever wants to 'claim' it... when asked.
Millions, and Millions of Dollars, spent.... here,
 more... Millions Yet, will be Spent, very soon, my opinion is tied Directly to, the sad, and 'seemingly' abandoned 151 Fairfax Bike Trail 'Project', that Nobody from Fairfax...or IDOT wants to take credit for, in any of my visits with them all, over the years.

how sad.

 just keep flooding.

: (.....................

 doesn't run uphill. 

All of IDOT's, and Fairfax's Hired Engineer {Hall and Hall Engineering}
 acknowledge 'that'...
They All... Either Had Their Hands in This Design...
Approved of  'THIS'???
: (
: (
No WONDER Fairfax City Hall is Refusing to show us Hall & Hall's Topography Survey of our property they conducted last Fall, conerning The West Cemetery Road Bridge, that adjoins our land, to the North...  I've been Begging them for, for Months. Even after the City's IDOT Contact, Confirmed... The City COULD share that Hall and Hall Topography Survey with us.

The City... just last week...
through an email
Said... in so many words...
"No Go." 
about 'Sharing' the Survey,
 They start 'negotiations' for acquiring the properties for The City's West Cemetery Road Bridge Project.
{that would mean 'Condemnation'... for us.}

So, the way I see it, The City... only wants to share the Facts, and Surveys with us....
{Public Records}
The Dealing is Done, and we have no recourse.


So Much For 
; )

oh my.
: ( : ( : (

Like a Pal, recently stated, after reading all of the City's Emails they'd recently sent me...
"Sounds Mighty 'Shady'... to me."


Too Many Irons... 
Too Many Fires.
: (
Oh Dear!!
; )

The Iowa Department of Transportation, and Fairfax, Iowa City Hall...
oh my.

bless their hearts.

The last 8 years have been something else.
The Book.... is coming.

More... Sale Images, Tonight.
Stay Tuned.
: )

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Shellsburg, Iowa 'Living Estate Sale'... August 1 thru 4!! Stay Tuned for Daily Updates!! We'll be Unpacking, and Sorting thru Sale Time!!

The Lovely Home... will be For Sale!!
: )

2005 Chrysler Sebring is also selling!!
It's been well cared for. ; )


I've been digging out all Sorts of 'Kitchen'!!
Oh My!!
: )
Quite a Lot.. on This Sale.
; )
Stay Tuned.

: )

Bill is getting things in order in the Garage, and Workshop.
There's Much.... to Sort.
: )
Poor Bill... is Drowning in Tools!!

I'll be posting a more detailed listing later this week.
: )
You... Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet!!
; )
Make Plans to Attend!!
: )

See 'Simply Iowa' on FB, for more images.
Scroll through earlier blog posts, for images... as well.
: )

Monday, July 22, 2024

A Few more 'Snippets' of The Shellsburg, Iowa Living Estate Sale!! {8/1 thru 8/4 }

The above Trestle Table is so cool.
It's a 'Thresher's Table'.
This one is vintage, Amish made.
The top easily lifts off, the trestle table base is pegged, and easily comes apart, so it can go onto a wagon... straight to the field.

Back in the late 1800's, and early 1900's when the Farmer's Threshed Grain, it was a big job, often Neighbor's would help each other.

The Women would prepare Dinner, for a Huge Crew.
There could easily be a couple tables like the above, taken to the Threshing Crew.

I like the construction of this Table, and Benches.
The Benches tuck inside the Trestle Base.
; )
It's Vintage... Amish Constructed. Solid. ; ) The Amish still Farm, like my Dad did, in the 1920's.

I've owned a few Thresher's Wash Stands, over the years. They are a small stand, easy to haul. They'd hold a basin, with water... on the work surface, and had a tall towel bar on the back.
One was on legs, a couple were enclosed on the bases, with a door I'd guess that held extra towels.
All were very primitive, and painted.

This table is 8 feet long, with a 3 board top.
Built... Built... Built.
; )

Corn Sheller

Aladdin Lamps...
Hay Hooks, and So Much More.
: )

Found the above throw.
: )

How CUTE Is THAT???!!
: )

We worked a bit... in the basement, last week.
There's all sorts of Furniture, and Holiday... items.
The little old suitcase was Filled with vintage doll house furniture.

Keep gathering up the John Deere items that we find throughout the Home, and Buildings.

We'll be adding images, and details... as we go.
: )
Stay Tuned.
: )

Barb C.

{Thanks So Much... to Pal, Allyson. <3
 I was taken quite ill with stomach flu, late Friday.
Thought it was food poisoning.
 Ugly, ugly...ugly. and More Ugly.
: (
 Allyson brought me a 'Care Package', that kept me hydrated, and more.
 Fever broke this morning, but... am still... a little weak.
Thought I'd better sit one more day out.
Back... to Shellsburg, tomorrow. 
: )
Bill's making Huge Strides on the Tools, and Work Shop!!
Images Tomorrow.
: )

Scroll down through the blog posts for earlier images of the sale.
Have many images on the 'Simply Iowa' FB Page, as well. }
; )

Thursday, July 18, 2024

In The Highways | O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) | Screen Bites

A tiny 'Snippet' of The Shellsburg, Iowa... Living Estate Sale!! August 1 thru 4!!

Can't walk past that Amazing... Old Livestock Book, without flippin' through the pages.

Just... getting started on the Farm Toy, and John Deere 'Table'. : )

Gathering all of the Stoneware together...
the old... 
: )


: )
The AMAZING... Old, Old... Three Board Top, 'Folding Table', came from
Parkers Grove Baptist Church, near Shellsburg, Iowa...long ago.
The Church used it for events, and bake sales... back in 'The Day'.

We unloaded the kitchen cabinets of their small appliances, this afternoon.
oh my.
: )

Amazing Axe... and, two... of I don't know how Many... Awesome... Old Oil Cans.
{Bill says, there's "Hundreds!!" Hahahahaha!! I, don't think so... but, Dozens... for Sure. : ) }

Spent this afternoon, mostly... cleaning Awesome... Old Pieces, that were tucked away...
in Richard's Workshop.
: )
: )
Love the above... Gnarly... Country Store Piece.
It's kinda ruff... but, oh my...
in my opinion, It was Worthy of a Good Bath!!
<3 <3 <3 

More images, and details closer to Sale Time.

Scroll back, through the blog for many images of this Sale.
; )

Kiki Dee Band - I've got the music in me- 1974