Wednesday, July 10, 2024

'Study Subject'

Found the above, pin back... long, long... ago. 
Somehow, it just seemed Fittin'. 
oh my. 

When I've attend Live Auctions, have always pinned my bidding number to my shirt, or coat pocket. 
Learned from the time I was little, Autioneers Hate Waiting... for a winning bidder, as they search for their bidding number. 

'Time Is Money', to an Auctioneer. 

I've always used safety pins, to hold my bidding number in full view.
Until... I stumbled across the above. 
It rides shotgun, with me, in The Ford, 
attached to his driver's seat sun visor. 
The 'Calamity Jane' pin back, has been an Auction Tool, for years. 

There's a reason, why... that particular Pin, was Worthy of securing my bidding numbers. 

I'm... kind of a klutz. 
My mind, oh my, sometimes, it seems, it's very difficult to keep on track. 
{So many 'Irons'... So Many 'Fires'. Always.}

My mind, is rarely... in the 'moment'.
{Fairfax, Iowa... and The Iowa Department of Transportation, have consumed a Lot of 
'moments' and 'mind cells' over the last, many years. Bless their hearts. }

When It Is, on track, oh dear. Those are The Best of Times. 

Six years ago, took One Big Step ... 
down our 13 basement stairs. 
{Was rushing, to get documents together concerning Fairfax, and IDOT... while getting laundry done for a trip to Texas, Allyson and I were taking the following morning. My mind wasn't in the 'moment' I was standing in. }
Sweetie, beloved Hound, saved my life. 
As did Our Peg. 
{Daughter, Liz... too. }

It's a long, long... Story, but wound up in pretty bad shape. The Dr. who treated me, in Cedar Rapids, made me feel like it wasn't something that should prevent me from the Texas trip, turned out, it kinda... was. 
Bad, bad... deal. 

I thought they'd set my arm, in Cedar Rapids... until, we were driving through Dallas, me, in the back seat of Allyson's RAV, with my arm, and badly injured leg, elevated, when my phone rang.
It was an Orthopedic Surgeon, from Cedar Rapids, who had just seen my X-rays.
Told me he had cleared his schedule for the following morning, and that I needed surgery immediately on my arm. 

I Burst Out Laughing!! Thought it was a Joke!! A Friend, who had heard of my mishap, and was giving me crap. 

 Handed my phone to Allyson, told her to figure the caller out. 
{Allyson is a Dr., she's a Psychiatrist. Knew she could get to the bottom of it all.}

It was no joke, but, there was no way I could be back in Cedar Rapids, the next morning. 
So, the kind, concerned, Orthopedic Surgeon, told me what to watch out for, and get to an ER, immediately, should any of his warnings crop up. 

When we returned from Texas, oh my... That was a Trip, neither Allyson, nor I... Will Ever Forget. But by God... We Survived!!

Talked with the kind CR Surgeon, who Jumped Through Hoops, to find The Right Surgeon, for my badly broken arm. 
After everything he'd done for me, I really wanted him, to do the surgery. He's a Very Caring Man. 
The Surgeon told me, that... this break, is very, very... serious, and he wasn't sure, he was capable of tackling it, but... he'd been making calls, and wanted me to go to The University of Iowa, in Iowa City. He'd set me up with someone there. 

That was difficult. The University is So Huge, ya feel like a number, there... in my opinion. 
But, trusted the Caring, CR Surgeon. 

When I met with his Recommend University Surgeon, 
warned him, that... I wasn't nearly as worried about my arm, as I was my leg...
and 'being' in a hospital, like all hospital's, where mrsa haunts. 

The Young, Fresh eyed, Orthopedic Surgeon, took a look at my leg, I saw tears well up in his eyes. 
He'd seen all of my records, from CR. 
He... was not sure how I'd survived. 
Most don't, after these type of injuries, he said. 
{ Some said, I should've been airlifted to Iowa City, from CR, that night. That I'm incredibly lucky to be alive.}

That Young Dr., is Quite a Dr. 
It was several weeks, after The Calamity, I could get in to see him. 
He, then, had to not only deal with a badly crushed wrist, but... with one that had already begun to wrongly heal. 
And... A Raging Infection, by then, in my right leg. 
Oh my.

This, believe it, or not... Is the very Short version of This Story. 
Oh my. 

Received a call, yesterday... from The University. 
They asked me to be a Study Subject.

{Always Knew, I'd be called for a 'Study Subject', but... Always Thought it would be Allyson, asking!!! }

Dr. Jody Buckwalter, the kind, caring...
Young Genius Orthopedic Surgeon, in Iowa City, put my name on the list, to call... concerning this study. 
{Jody, and I... turned out, had Mentors in Common. Kate Hawkins, to me, 
and Dr. Leland Hawkins, Kate's husband, to him. }

Told the young Man, who called yesterday, from Iowa City, I'd do Anything for Jody. He's Amazing. Amazing!!!
But, also told him, if it wasn't for 'Jody', 
and ...
Friend, Shannon Miers, who helped me through All of the Therapy Moves, with my right hand, well... 
I'd most likely have a Club, instead of a Fully Functional Fist of Working Fingers, that... Most had better be prepared to duck. 
Jody, took on a Mess. Long Surgery. 
Incredible. Intricate Work.
Shannon, walked me through the pain. 
Pushed me, sometimes, because She Knew how Important it was. 
So Grateful for Them Both, and to Everyone, who helped me back then. 
Word's can't ever Express my Gratitude. 
I'm gonna be a 'Study Subject'. 
Gratefully So. 
{We all Knew, it was comin', some day. }

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C. 

May not be able to write, as Beautifully...
as I once could, but, Believe me, I've never forgotten how to spell.

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