Thursday, July 11, 2024


It's been a crazy day, already. 
The Ford needed a new battery, got that done. 
Then, got him unloaded. 
Many 'Fires' needed to be put out, this morning. 
Got them 'extinguished'... best I could.
Grabbing some lunch, before I head to The Shellsburg, Iowa Living Estate Sale, this afternoon. 
{August 1 Thru 4.}
Images tonight, or in the morning. 

Wanted to write just a Snippet, concerning some of The Best News we've had in a Long Time. 
Received it a couple of days ago. 
Can't get into the details, just... yet, but I Gotta Tell Ya, when I heard the news, a Huge Weight was lifted from my shoulders. 
A Bit of Faith, in our system, blew through my soul. 
The circumstances surrounding this, have left all concerned, perplexed, to say the very least. I believe, when I'm able to explain the Entire story, Many... will understand, and Question, 'why'. 

So Incredibly Grateful, to Those Who have Ridden This Crazy Train, with me. 
The 'Journey' is far, from over... but, there's one less Boulder on The Tracks. 
Praise God. 

Thanks So Much... To All, who've kept us in Your Prayers. 
Keep 'em Comin'. 
I'll fill in all of the blanks, when I can. 
It's an unbelievable story, that... in my opinion, should've never had to be written. 
It's Truly...
A 'David and Goliath' story. 

Love to You.
Prayers... for All. 

Barb C. 
Can't post Tunes, until my little laptop is repaired, but... If I could, I'd play 
Johnny Cash, 'Orange Blossom Special'. 
Great Tune. 
May God Bless... The Crazy Trains, and Those Who Ride Them. 

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