Sunday, July 28, 2024

Stay Tuned!! More Images Daily of The Shellsburg, Iowa 'Living Estate Sale'!!

Spent the afternoon working in The Kitchen, at The Shellsburg Estate Sale.
: )

Things are Fillin' Out!!
: )

Big Sale.
; )
Tiny Snippet.
: )
Stay Tuned.
: )

{Late Supper with Friends}

Was invited to Pal, Allyson's last night... for a casual get together.
: )
Allyson, as Always... Prepared some Incredible Food.
; )
I... brought The First Iowa Sweet Corn, of the year.... for us.
; )
<3 I was going to ask Allyson, while tending to The Corn...
where here Crazy Sis, 'Bethany'... is hiding, I heard Bethany
from behind me say...
"Hi Barb. : ) We're having 'Corn'???"
Without turning around... said, "YEP!!" : )
: )

There stood Bethany, with Rhonda... 
in a Full Corn Suit.
Oh My GOSH!!!
That GIRL!!
: )

We were getting ready to eat outside, on the deck...
it was rather 'Toasty'... outside, 
told Bethany... 
that I hoped she wouldn't
: )

Rhonda, Allyson, Leslie...and 'Corn'.
: ) : ) : )
Allyson's Pal, Scott was running late.
We decided to wait for Scott... 
Like One Hog, Waits for Another... at Supper Time.
: )

Scott.... is a Gas!! : )
Bethany, changed into her Raggedy Andy... attire.
: )

Ya Had to BE There!!

Always a Great Time, with Allyson, her Family... and Pals.
; )

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