Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A Few More 'Snippets' of The Shellsburg Estate Sale!! August 1 thru 4!!

Long Day!!
; )
I helped Bill... in The Workshop, most of today... then, Bill helped me, inside the House, this evening...
left about 9:30.
Tomorrow, will be Longer... Yet.
: )
It's Showtime!!
: ) : ) : )
August 1, is Comin' Fast!!
Holy Smokes!!
; )

Spoke with Andy, Richard's Son, this morning.
Richard will be attending The Sale!!!
: )
So Glad!!
: )
I, know... how difficult it will be, but... I believe... Richard will enjoy Seeing Everyone.
: )
Hope So!!

I'll get images of The Workshop... tomorrow, hopefully.
There are several, posted.. but we found so Much More... Today.
; )

Moved The Angel.... Birdbath up front, this afternoon.
; )

When I was heading for Home, last night...
leaving... Richard's...
noticed a Daring...
'Crop Duster'...
Doin' His Thing.
; )

When I was little, whenever Dad saw a Crop Duster... while driving down the rural Iowa roads...
he'd pull over, and we'd watch them.
: )

Dad... used to Fly, and... was quite a Daredevil.
: )
{Lost his Pilot's License when he flew his Aeronca Champ, between the bridge, and the water... 
{Iowa River}
in Iowa City, back in 'the day'. }
; )
{ a 'decision', Dad... never once regretted, nor would his youngest daughter...
ever question.
 ; )
 Long Story. }

To this day...
when I see a Crop Duster, have to pause, and take in their Amazing Art.
What They Are!!
They Push'er To The Limit!!
<3 <3 <3 

; )

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