Monday, July 1, 2024

Virgil's Cupboard.

Was up early... this morning.
It's a Beautiful... Beautiful... Day.
: )
For the first time, in a long time... let my hair down. 
Barb, the Manager at Casey's... said she'd never seen me with my hair down. 
: )
It's been far too warm, to let my hair down.... until, today.
Felt Good.
: )

Played... down The Rabbit Hole, for a bit... this morning.
There's so much to get done.
Wasn't quite sure... where to start.
Walked through...  sizing things up.
So much has come in...
So Much... still has to get squeezed in.

Started clearing, and re-setting Virgil's Cupboard.
Found that a little mouse had made a very cozy, and happy home, in the one remaining drawer... in Virgil's Cupboard, over the Winter.
: )
Cleaned it out...  gave the old drawer a Good Bath.
: )
{We get Field Mice inside, every year. : ) It's always interesting where they hide corn, and make their little nests. {little sh!ts} : ) }

Virgil Novotny... was a Master Woodworker.
True Gem.
: )

I could take Virgil... the Most Forlorn... Primitive piece of furniture, and... he'd bring it back to Life.

One day... while visiting Virgil, we went through one of his Sheds.
 I spotted the above... Early... Early... Iowa, Farm Cupboard.
It was LOVE at First Sight!!
Virgil had 'Plans' for it.
: )
When Virgil repaired one of  my pieces, I was very specific.
Didn't want it to look like 'New'.
just... 'repaired'.
Didn't want to lose any of it's Old.... Original 'Surface'.
: )

Virgil... would use 'period' lumber, to repair Early pieces.
He, was a 'Master'... for Sure.
: )
He taught John, a lot.
: )

Virgil... was going to rebuild the above Cupboard, make new doors, and drawers... for it.
: )
Make it like 'New'... again.
The 'Way'... Virgil liked 'antiques'.
{We argued about that... often. : ) <3 }
Told Virgil... I'd sure like to buy it, 'as found'...  keep it, just that way.
I Loved It... Just The Way It Stood.
: )
Of course, Virgil... thought I was Crazy.
; )
He Had Plans.
Virgil Shot Me Down...
Every Single Time...
I Begged him, to sell The Old... Iowa, Farm Cupboard, to me.
; )

One February... long ago, just after returning home... from Nashville,
{Heart of Country}
Friend, Pam... who was watching The Rabbit Hole, while I was away...
met me at the Shop, so I could get her paid, and catch up... on the 'Happenings', there, while I was gone...
Pam told me, as she was getting ready to leave...

"A man stopped by, and dropped off a cupboard last week. He put it in the Gazebo."
I... didn't have anyone scheduled to bring anything... while I was away.

Walked to the Gazebo...
There Stood Virgil's...
 Old.... Iowa Cupboard.

Got on the phone... called Virgil, right away.

That was a Tuff... Conversation.
: (
Virgil said....
"Barb, I've got cancer... they tell me I don't have much time. I want you to have that cupboard, there's nobody in the world, who could 'love it'... the way it is, but... you."
: (...................

Daughter, Liz... helped me hang it on the Rabbit Hole's West Wall.
I think of Virgil... every single time, I look at it.
Virgil... was a Good Man.
A True... Artist.
: )

While cleaning up Virgil's Cupboard's last remaining drawer,
{Field Mouse House. ; ) }
 noticed, again...
the Fine... Early.... Hand Dovetails.
Virgil... Understood, and Appreciated, 
'Fine Construction'.

; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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