Thursday, July 18, 2024

A tiny 'Snippet' of The Shellsburg, Iowa... Living Estate Sale!! August 1 thru 4!!

Can't walk past that Amazing... Old Livestock Book, without flippin' through the pages.

Just... getting started on the Farm Toy, and John Deere 'Table'. : )

Gathering all of the Stoneware together...
the old... 
: )


: )
The AMAZING... Old, Old... Three Board Top, 'Folding Table', came from
Parkers Grove Baptist Church, near Shellsburg, Iowa...long ago.
The Church used it for events, and bake sales... back in 'The Day'.

We unloaded the kitchen cabinets of their small appliances, this afternoon.
oh my.
: )

Amazing Axe... and, two... of I don't know how Many... Awesome... Old Oil Cans.
{Bill says, there's "Hundreds!!" Hahahahaha!! I, don't think so... but, Dozens... for Sure. : ) }

Spent this afternoon, mostly... cleaning Awesome... Old Pieces, that were tucked away...
in Richard's Workshop.
: )
: )
Love the above... Gnarly... Country Store Piece.
It's kinda ruff... but, oh my...
in my opinion, It was Worthy of a Good Bath!!
<3 <3 <3 

More images, and details closer to Sale Time.

Scroll back, through the blog for many images of this Sale.
; )

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