Thursday, July 4, 2024

Independence Day.

Decided to stay hunkered down, on The 4th.
everything, everything... 
swirling around my head, felt it was best to take a 
: )
{Find... 'these days', speaking for myself...
need to take a 'moment' between battles.
After all... even 'The Greatest'...
Muhammad Ali,
 'Fighters', 'Boxers'...
 get to take a seat, 
between rounds.
; )
I... believe, we should All... be given that opportunity, without judgement.}
: )

Pal, Allyson... called, early on The 4th.
She was headed to Amana.
Firecracker Antique Show, and... shop the Amana Shops.
: )
Allyson thought I'd have The Rabbit Hole, Open.
: )
Told her, I'd decided to sit this 4th. out.
: )
She had some Treats for me, and dropped them in Jethro... 
Allyson asked me... since I wasn't going to be Open, if I'd like to join her, in Amana.
: )
Was Grateful... for The Invite, but... declined.
{She understood. : ) Allyson 'Knows'... about the 'Fights'. : ) }

Asked her to stop by, on her way home.
We'd Visit... then.
: )

That, we Did.
: )
Sat beside... the Fish Pond, outside The Rabbit Hole, and...
As she was getting ready to head home, I said...
"Ya wanna check out Mt. Vernon? "
{Nitty Gritty Antique Event}
Allyson was All Over That!!
: )

We had a Great Time.
: )
Didn't capture any images, there.... 
but, it was a Lovely... Event, as always.
We grabbed some STRONG Coffee, at FUEL, in Mt. Vernon...
of course, Cookies, and Sweets, at FUEL, and The Bakery.
{Allyson... is a 'Sugar Girl'!! : ) }

Ran into so many Folks... : )
That... was Fun.
One Gal... at FUEL, said...
"FAIRFAX!!" as Allyson, and I were walking out.
: )
She, and her Family... were enjoying Coffee, and Treats, too.
; )
She thought, I must be 'set up' at The Show, as I was carrying a Fairfax State Savings Bank money bag.
: ) : ) : )
Told her, "Nope... 'This' is my purse. ; ) Love My Bank. 'Family'."
: )
She, Totally... Understood.
She, and her Family... also Bank at a Small Town 'Bank', where 'Everyone Knows Your Name'!!
: )
Our 'Family' at The Fairfax State Savings Bank... 
knows my voice, when I call...
and... my account number, by Heart.
I've called on them, Often, over the Decades. <3
No 'on-line' banking, for me.
; )

"Where am I At... Today??? 
Why am I carrying a Hand Basket???"
: ) : ) : )
They are The Best.
As Much as I Bitch... about 'Fairfax'... well, please know,  it's not about my Neighbors...
or, our Amazing Bank...
it's all about 'City Hall'.
Not the 'Workers'...
'Inside'... Folks.
oh... dear.
: (

Allyson, and I... made our last stop, at Bass Farms.
Met Cathy Bass, many years ago.
She's a Gem.
: )
Wonderful... Family Garden Center.
: )
Bought a few Pretty Plants, for The Rabbit Hole.
Allyson stocked up on some of her Favorite... Treats.
; )
headed back, to The Rabbit Hole
: )

Had Allyson drop me, and the Flowers, at The Rabbit Hole, so I could get them planted, right away.
; )

As I was planting them... in the Big Urns, by The Rabbit Hole's entry...
a Gal... came walking up.
: )

Told her... I wasn't officially 'open'... but, if she could stand the 'mess', I... could stand The Company.
: )
We Had a Great Visit.
: )

The Gal... had a 'Friend' with her.
: )
When we began to visit... Oh My!!
: )
Her Family.... Goes Way Back, in The Antique Business.
: )
I KNOW All of Her People!!!
{Again... This 'Business'.... is like The Mafia. : ) 
 There Ain't No Gettin' Out!!}

She said so many Kind... things, concerning the very... forlorn, Rabbit Hole.
: )

As I was turning on the lights... inside The Rabbit Hole, for The Gals, was met 
'Head On'...
with the Gentleman... in this image, in a narrow passage.
: )
We looked at each other...
: )
Asked him, if the Gal, who I was turning lights on, for.....
informed him, that... 
I'm not Officially... Open, but... if she could stand The Mess, I could Stand The Company???
he had a Thought... of making the comment, again...
"Something... is Seriously 'Wrong' with You", again...
Once Again, I'd Have To Agree.
: )
{and, again... wonder, what was his First... Clue. : ) "

He, and His Beautiful Wife... brought his Family... to 'endure' The Rabbit Hole.
: )

His Wife... showed me the image, I captured of them... on their last visit, at The Memorial Day Weekend Sale.
: )
She said... their Grandson, Loves his Grandpa... So.
 He always wants to see this image... of him, on her phone.
<3 <3 <3 
: )

So does Our President.
<3 <3 <3 
I don't want to bring politics here.
I won't.
I'm very concerned about our Constitution.
The 'Law'. 
The Checks... and Balance.
This... 'Battle' in my opinion, isn't about Red, or Blue.
This Battle...
Our Democracy.
The Impartial Law... that guides us.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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