Thursday, May 16, 2024

Jo Blankenburg - Tick Tock Goes The Clock (The House With A Clock In Its...

Tick Tock... oh my.

Love... that Cameron, from The Cedar Rapids Gazette!!
; )
She Always does Such a Great Job, with our ads.
: )

Went to unload... The Ford, this morning...
and found a 'Surprise'.
: )


Oh My!!
; )
It's a late 1800's Long Drop...
Schoolhouse Clock.
: )
Seems... it might need a little work, but...
when I have a moment, 
I'll Give It My Best Shot!!
; )

Unloaded all of the Lovely...
Concrete Statuary, this mornin'.
: )
The only pieces... I'll need a hand with, are The Massive Cocks.
; )
: ) : ) : ) 
Sorry, had to 'Drop'... That One.
: ) : ) : )
Peg would be So Proud!!

I'm beyond... Tired.
Heartbroken, too.
It's 'Show Time'...
can't get away.
Our Family... is hurting, please keep them All...
in Your Prayers.

Worked on getting things cleaned up...
and planted up, today.
The Herbs... smelled so Good, as I planted them, in the old Cupola top.
It's been a long time.
; )

This Big Urn...
has the backside Blown Out of It.
{Kicked out of it... : (}
It was a gift, from Daughter, Liz... many years ago.
I... wouldn't let her throw it away.
It's Beautiful...
One Piece, or... a Dozen.
; )

Happy, Happy....
Birthday, to Pal...
{Fern Hill. South Amana, Iowa.}
Thanks... to 
Steph, her Beautiful Daughter... and Dear Friend.
{Frond Design Studios, Fairfax, Iowa.}
Steph... called me a bit ago, wanting to meet up, and Celebrate.
No Can Do!!
: )
'It's Show Time!!'
: )
Steph Totally... Understood.
: ) 
Called Patti, told her we'd have to get together...
AFTER The Memorial Day Weekend Sale, 
Both of Our Birthdays!!
: )
{Patti is Workin' 'Her' Birthday... I Get It!! : ) }

Ya might want to Stay Tuned, concerning the Dual...
'Rain Check'.
: )
Jameson... Irish Whiskey, and...
Yukon Jack, a blended... Canadian Whiskey, with Honey...
 will be involved.
; )
Yukon Jack... Is,
 More 'Irish'...
than most know.
; )
; )

We All Need to Remember This.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for ALL!!!!

Barb C.

Miranda Lambert - Old Sh!t (Audio)

Simply Iowa's Memorial Day Weekend Antique and Vintage Market!! May 24 thru 27!!

Don't Miss It!!
Simply Iowa's
Memorial Day Weekend
Antique & Vintage
May 24 thru 27!!
9 a.m. 'til Dusk...
101 Williams Blvd.
Fairfax, Iowa!!

Rain or Shine!!
Wear Your Grubbies...
Bring a TRUCK!!

Friends and Neighbors Gather All Sorts of Vintage Treasures
This Event!!
New Items Added Daily!!
Stay Tuned to
 'Simply Iowa' on Facebook...
for Images and Updates!!
{No early sales. If it's pictured... it will be here at 
The Opening!!}

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Chris Stapleton - White Horse (Official Audio)

Finding The Rabbit Hole. Memorial Day Weekend Sale May 24 thru 27!!

I'm finding The Rabbit Hole.

Working on unloading the cool pieces I picked up, yesterday...

Loads of Rabbits.



Pal, Bill is coming sometime, today... to start setting his tents.
Bill... is BRINGING TONS of Things!!
Holy Smokes!!!!
: )

I'd better get Crackin'!
So Much to get Done!!
Glad I didn't attend the Council Meeting, last night.
Received some very, very... bad news, yesterday afternoon, while visiting Donita...
at Whispering Pines Ornamental Concrete.
: (
Incredibly sad news, that will have a huge impact on our Family.
Don't think it completely hit me, until this morning.
Brought back way too many memories, of exactly 10 years ago...
Had I been at that meeting, last night...
doubt I could've held myself together.
Good thing, my gut... told me to take a walk.
It would've been a huge mistake.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Winner

but first... Coffee.

Wrote a Long post, concerning This Day...
this morning.
oh dear.
{Saving It For The Book!! : ) }
; )
Did a Bunch of Yard Work... this morning.
Met with Fairfax's Mayor... this afternoon.
: )
Picked up a Load... of Cool Concrete...
for The Memorial Day Weekend Sale, this late afternoon,
 beat feet...
to get back Home, to address Fairfax's City Council, this Evening.

was thinking about the above... 'Memory'... all day.
: )
Some Things, Never... Change.
; )

Arrived at City Hall, tonight, choking down a very late 'supper', thought to myself, 
while sitting in The Ford...
after this day... 
whatever spews from my mouth, at this council meeting, 
might not be very 
; )

Fired The Ford Up...
headed for
: )
Made me think of  'The Winner', while me...and the Loaded... Ford, exited City Hall's lot.
: )
A Great Tune, by Bobby Bare.
; )

it's best to walk away.
: )

There's always next month.
; )
the month after that, and...
the one, after that.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Sam Hunt - Water Under The Bridge

Monday, May 13, 2024

Water... has a Mind of Its Own.

Played with Fountains, again... today, at The Rabbit Hole.
: )
They can be incredibly frustrating.
; )
Ya See...
'Water' has a Mind of Its Own.
; )
{I've created many, many... 'Fountains' over the decades, with non-traditional pieces.
I'm no Engineer, like The IDOT District 6 Folks are, but... 
I've dealt with 'Water'... enough to know...
It Doesn't Run 'Uphill'.}
; )

Made a Mad Dash... back to The Garden Center, today.
Needed  more hose, another pump... a few fittings, and Then Some.
: )
{It was Much 'quieter'.... at The Garden Center, today. : ) }

The thing about Water, and Fountains...
in small containers,
you have to be watchful...
how, the water 'wants' to flow.
Ya have to watch every drop.
How the water splashes.
The pressure... from the pump.
If... the water is sprinkling out of the bowl...
over very little time, the fountain will run dry.
Every Lost Drop of Water, matters.
The Flow... and Direction, matters.

Tested the above, over and over.
Had to tweak it a bit, here, and there.
: )
It's a tiny Fountain.
Very little water.
{Love Pal, Charlie's...
 Old... Mink Feeders, with it.
: )
They... kinda look like Shells. <3
They'd be great to plant little succulents in. : )}

Had to take The Rabbit Hole's Entire Fountain apart...
Oh Boy!!!
: )

New pump.
New hoses.
New fittings.
figure out how the Water...
'wanted' to flow.
; )
The pressure, and speed from the pump, has to be Just...
; )
Can't have Any Splashing, outside the bowl, if it does...
it'll run dry way too quickly.
after many Baths, today...
it's where it should be, with the new pump.
; )

Dear Pal... Cindy,
'Lady Bug Antiques', sent the below ...

: )

It's been a Crazy Busy Day, Fountains... aside.
: )
Met with Pal, Bill... at The Estate Sale, we just finished up with.
Loaded signs... and tables.
Met with the Estate's Daughter in Law, Lee... at the Estate.
Helped her move a few things.
She's going to conduct a Garage/Estate Sale... during Fairfax, Iowa, 'City Wide' Garage Sales, this coming Saturday, with what's left... at Evelyn's.
: )
{Normally... we have a 'Clean-Out', at the end... so, the Home is Ready For Sale.}
with this one,
Every Dollar Counts, for Evelyn's Care.
Lee, and Friends... will be adding MUCH More...
'The Cause'.
I'll be there... helping, on Saturday, May,18.
8 a.m. 'til... Whenever!!
: )
Wish I could help Lee, more...
but, I'm kinda buried down The Rabbit Hole.
; )
The Memorial Day Weekend Sale, is...
Coming Fast.
; )
: )

We've Got a Long Way... ta Go...
Short Time to Get There!!!
: )
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Lainey Wilson - Wildflowers and Wild Horses (Lyrics)

Pretty Day!!

Mother's Day...
was Such a Pretty Day, here.
Asked Helper, Brandon...
last week, if he could come mow... on Sunday.
Completely forgot Sunday was Mother's Day, when I asked him.
When I didn't here from him, Sunday morning, realized then...
he was probably going to spend the day with his Mom.
; )
Brandon called, near Noon, asked if I still wanted him to mow.
He was going to spend time with is Mom, later... in the afternoon.
: )

When Brandon arrived, he had the Rose... above for me.
: )
He's Such a Good Kid!!
; )
The little Heart, on the table... was a gift, from Pal, Mary Sellon.
{Dark Horse Antiques}
I've left it right where Mary set it, several years ago.
Mary... passed away, shortly after that visit.
: (
I... think of Mary, so often.

The little concrete Girl, was a gift, from Pal, Donita.
{Whispering Pines Ornamental Concrete. Monticello, Iowa.}
Donita brought her to me, when I was recuperating from 'The Fall' down the basement stairs, several years ago.
Think of Donita... when I look at her.
{and... Peg. <3
 Our Peg... would've Loved That Little Girl, Too!! : ) <3 }
Donita, and her Husband, Charlie... are Wonderful Folks!!
Check out Their Amazing Place!!
; )

Spent the Day... Dancin' with Mr. DeWalt, and the Loppers.
Diggin' through tarps, for tents... 
{Memorial Day Weekend... Is Comin' Fast!!YIKES!!!}
Worked on Fountains... ran to the Home and Garden Center...
to get parts for a fountain's pump.
NOT a Place to Be... on Mother's Day!!
Holy Smokes!!
What a ZOO!!
; )

Yesterday was Toasty...
Hot, actually... when you're Workin'!!
This mornin' is Much Cooler, a little rainy, but...
: )

Captured the above, and below... images, of the Miniature Lilac, I'd planted 20 years ago, or so,
this mornin'.
: )

One of the Best Friends, of my life...
gave it to me... on my birthday, about 20 years ago.
<3 <3 <3 
She made me her Famous Jell-O Cake, for my birthday, every year.
: ) <3
That year, Geri gave me the Miniature Lilac, too.
I...thought, it was a miniature 'bush'...
and it wouldn't get very big, so...
planted it beside the door of The Hen House.
; )
: )
The 'Lilacs'... are 'miniature',
{Their Amazing 'Scent' is Not!!  Wow...!!
They Smell Incredible This Morning after the early morning's gentle shower!!}
The 'Bush'... well, 
It's Not 'Miniature'... anymore!!!
: )
I think of Geri, every time my eyes land on it.
What a Wonderful Soul, 'Friend'... Geri was.
Miss Her!!

Making Lists...
this morning.
So Much... to Get Done!!
Pick Up, Order...
Need to be 6 People!!
Oh My!!
; )

Better Get Crackin'!!
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Sunday, May 12, 2024


Happy Mother's Day!!

Over the last couple decades, had to spend Mother's Day... away from Home.
I'd always visit Mom, before... leaving, and after... 'The Day', and... always called her, on Mother's Day.
Always wanted Mom to know... how Very Much I Appreciated her sacrifices, over the years.
Miss... Mom.

Am Grateful... we spent some wonderful times together, every other 'day'.
: )

Always think of the 'Mothers'... who aren't the typical 'Moms', on Mother's Day.
The Dads... who raise their Children, alone.
The Aunts, Grandparents... Step Parents, Siblings... Teachers...
 and so many More... that 'Step Up'...
making a Difference in a Child's Life.
<3 <3 <3 
'Happy 'Mother's' Day' to You... Too!!
<3 <3 <3 

Below... are a couple of images when Pal, Kevin...
drove The Ford, to Gold Rush, for me.
They popped up, this morning.
: )
He got pulled over, near Waterloo, on that trip.
The Ford... can get away from ya.
; )
He's pretty Snappy!!
: )
Gratefully, the Officer, just gave him a warning.
: )
{Probably taking Pity... on Kevie, with That Load!! : ) }

'Go Big... or Go Home'!!
: )

: )

Sure Hope... Gold Rush was Great for Everyone, this May.

Sure hated to miss it.
Always... Always, an 'Adventure' at 'Gold Rush'.
: )
The stars, just wouldn't align, this year... for me.
The Truck, being down... Miss. Peanut... to find Care for,
all of the IDOT, and Fairfax... never ending crap.
Meeting with Fairfax's Mayor, next week.
Will be attending next Tuesday's Council Meeting.
; (
Documents... to read, and process.
The Memorial Day Weekend Sale....
sneakin' up on us, so quickly.
: )

; )

Noticed the above, the other day... from 2018.
; )
I Only Knew 'THEN'....
: )
: )
What a Ride.
that Old Hammock, 
has NEVER QUIT Spinnin', for a Moment, over the last many years.
; )
just need a 
' Moment'.
; )
a... little, 
'down time'.
; )

Grateful... to So Many, over the years... including Kevie, for tryin' to 'Steady' the 'Hammock',
when they can!!
; )
May God Bless Them!!
<3 <3 <3 

Love to Ya...
Happy Mother's Day...
To ALL!!

{me, and Mr. DeWalt... will be sharing 
'Mother's Day'... together!! }
; )
Yard Work!!
: )

It's a Beautiful Day!!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Jason Aldean - The Only Way I Know (Lyric Video)

Full Throttle, Baby. Wide Open.

Can't believe it's been 7 years.
: )

'Gold Rush' has been on my mind...
every moment, of every day.

Pal, Kevie... posted the above, on my FB timeline, this morning, while I was on The Road, it seems.
Didn't notice it, until now.
: (
Kevin... helped me out, that year.
Drove The Loaded Ford...
behind The FUSO.
Kevin... about Died, when we Ratchet Strapped That Mid 1800's Cupboard, to The FUSO's Back Door.
Heading for Gold Rush!!
: )
oh dear.
: )
The Tricks We Pull...
to Get To The Finish Line.
; )
'Git 'er Done'.
; )
Whatever... It Takes.
: )
'Full Throttle... Wide Open'.
; )
{This crazy 'business'... 
Isn't for the faint of heart. : ) <3 }
: )

So Incredibly Grateful...
to Kevin, and Everyone...
who has ridden, and continues to Ride...
 'Crazy Train', called 
'Life', with me.
<3 <3 <3 
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for ALL!!!!!
: )

Barb C.

KC & The Sunshine Band - That's The Way (I Like It) [HQ with lyrics]

Yeah.... Boy.

; )

Have had a standing order for Morel Mushrooms...
Finally, could lay my hands on some, this mornin'.
: )
Saved a handful... for myself.
; )

: )
Just prepared them for lunch.

Some like to deep fry them... all breaded.
Mom... always scrambled them with eggs.
That's The Way...
I Like 'em!!
; )

; )

Let Those Morels...
The Show!!
: )

Butter... a Couple of Eggs... a little Dill, Fresh Rosemary Sprigs...
a few...
Sweet Tomatoes...
Chili Garlic Sauce...
: ) : ) : ) 

Uh... Huh.
; )

Spent this mornin' on The Road.
had some heavy reading to do.
Yard Work!!
; )

Memorial Day Weekend Sale...
Will Be Here
Before We Know It!!
{May 24 thru 27!!}
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Friday, May 10, 2024

You're Just a Country Boy by Alison Krauss

Lovely Visit.

Always feel so Honored... when Friends who have moved far away, take time out of their
 'Visiting Back Home'... schedule, to get together.
<3 <3 <3 

Gail... has been such a Dear Friend, over the many years.
: )

Gail's always been one of 'Those' Friends, that... I know, no matter how close, or far away...
is just the matter of a phone call... away.
: )
She's Quite 'The Gail'.
I've always admired her, so.
She's Talented, and Smart as a Whip!!
: )
Never... 'sugar coats'... anything.
: )
Straight Shooter.
: )
'Wise Woman'.
Gail doesn't have a 'Phony' Bone... in her Body.
She Tells it Like it Is.
Appreciate That.
It's pretty rare, these days.
make no mistake, 
Gail... has an Incredibly Tender Heart.

When I arrived at Edith Lucielle's, yesterday...
Gail had already found us a table.
Sitting on the bench, of our table... was a box... she'd carried on the plane, from Virginia.
Inside... the box, was a mass... of the Awesome Tin Shavings, {Art} that John had hand cut, while covering Victorian furniture.

John had them all bagged up, in his shop... to pitch.
I... spotted the bag, before he could pitch them... and said...
"Oh My Lord!! These Are So Cool!!"
{John... Rolled his eyes. : ) }
They went Straight... to The Rabbit Hole!!
Gail... saw them as Art, as well... all of those years ago.

She brought them all 'Home', with her... to give back, to me.
{Eeeeeeeek!! Tears!! : ) Gads!! }


Above... is one of John's Pieces.
{Pal, and Artist... Steph, brought back 'Home'.}
The Tin... John cover the furniture...
came from Pal, Charlie... way back.
It's tin from Old... Silo Flooring.
{Charlie, is an 'Artist', too. : ) }

I've been Blessed to know, a few... Amazing Artists, throughout my life.
For me, it's so incredibly easy to spot them.
: )

They... are always so humble, about their work.
While I'm So Blown Away... by what they 'discard', thinking...
is not complete.
Not quite... 'Good Enough'.

True Artists...
'Cast Offs'
are so Incredible, but...
sometimes, they can't 'See' It.
{Peg... was one, who couldn't  'See' the Beauty in her 'unfinished', to her... 'Art'.}
: )
I have many of Peg's unfinished pieces.
They are Insane.
Gail... Gets It.
Many... Do.

Ya can't Miss... a True Artist's Work.
'Stand Alone'.
tiny, unfinished... to them, 'fragments'...
Stand Out, and Shine!!

Never would've met Gail... or, Peg... Steph... or, Charlie...
if it wasn't for The Old Souls.
Our Mutual... Love, of 'Old'.
Never would've met some of my Favorite Artists, if it wasn't for 'Home'... and The Rabbit Hole.

Gail... brought up The Fight, The Never Ending... Fight, with Fairfax, and IDOT, yesterday.
She's watched this all unfold, over the last...
 Too Many Years.
: (
Grateful... She's on My Side.
<3 <3 <3 
: )
God Love Her!!
: )

we had a Lovely Visit.

Didn't get much of anything done, after our visit.
; )
My Heartstrings... were a little too weak, to... take on much more of The Day.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Alison Krauss - Stay (Official Audio)

Rainy... Day.

Meeting with Sweet Pal, Gail...
in a bit, for lunch.

Didn't get near as much done... this morning, as I'd wished.
With the rain... there will be no mowing, today.

It's a gentle rain... not a worrisome one.
; )

The Birds... are Loving It!!
: )
They were Singing Loud and Proud...
when I captured the above image.
Love Those Gnarly... Unruly... Vines.
All Of Them!!

Gonna pick up some plants, and grit... for landscaping on the way Home...

Love this time of year.

Been thinkin' about Gold Rush, and... where I'd be, about now... any other year.
Probably be somewhere between Urbana, Iowa... and Waterloo, Iowa... on I-380, headed North.
: )
Loaded HEAVY.
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.