Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!!

Over the last couple decades, had to spend Mother's Day... away from Home.
I'd always visit Mom, before... leaving, and after... 'The Day', and... always called her, on Mother's Day.
Always wanted Mom to know... how Very Much I Appreciated her sacrifices, over the years.
Miss... Mom.

Am Grateful... we spent some wonderful times together, every other 'day'.
: )

Always think of the 'Mothers'... who aren't the typical 'Moms', on Mother's Day.
The Dads... who raise their Children, alone.
The Aunts, Grandparents... Step Parents, Siblings... Teachers...
 and so many More... that 'Step Up'...
making a Difference in a Child's Life.
<3 <3 <3 
'Happy 'Mother's' Day' to You... Too!!
<3 <3 <3 

Below... are a couple of images when Pal, Kevin...
drove The Ford, to Gold Rush, for me.
They popped up, this morning.
: )
He got pulled over, near Waterloo, on that trip.
The Ford... can get away from ya.
; )
He's pretty Snappy!!
: )
Gratefully, the Officer, just gave him a warning.
: )
{Probably taking Pity... on Kevie, with That Load!! : ) }

'Go Big... or Go Home'!!
: )

: )

Sure Hope... Gold Rush was Great for Everyone, this May.

Sure hated to miss it.
Always... Always, an 'Adventure' at 'Gold Rush'.
: )
The stars, just wouldn't align, this year... for me.
The Truck, being down... Miss. Peanut... to find Care for,
all of the IDOT, and Fairfax... never ending crap.
Meeting with Fairfax's Mayor, next week.
Will be attending next Tuesday's Council Meeting.
; (
Documents... to read, and process.
The Memorial Day Weekend Sale....
sneakin' up on us, so quickly.
: )

; )

Noticed the above, the other day... from 2018.
; )
I Only Knew 'THEN'....
: )
: )
What a Ride.
that Old Hammock, 
has NEVER QUIT Spinnin', for a Moment, over the last many years.
; )
just need a 
' Moment'.
; )
a... little, 
'down time'.
; )

Grateful... to So Many, over the years... including Kevie, for tryin' to 'Steady' the 'Hammock',
when they can!!
; )
May God Bless Them!!
<3 <3 <3 

Love to Ya...
Happy Mother's Day...
To ALL!!

{me, and Mr. DeWalt... will be sharing 
'Mother's Day'... together!! }
; )
Yard Work!!
: )

It's a Beautiful Day!!

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