Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Rainy Day... Worrisome Day.

Grandson, Justin... and me, got a BUNCH Done...
after the Morning Rain, and before the Evening Rain.
: )
The above...
is The Evening Storm.
Somehow... we managed to be in The Eye of The Storms, both, heading... to take Justin Home...
about 40 miles West of Fairfax, he lives just a few miles East of Belle Plaine, Iowa.
and back Home, 'Fairfax'.
but... it looked ominous.
Huge Winds.
Drove little Sally, because she's the lowest profile vehicle in our Beloved 'Fleet'.
: )
Took the back roads, all the way to, and from.
No 4 lane highways for us... with 70 mph wind gusts... and Semis.
; )

Got caught in heavy rain... heading back Home.

; )

Took images this morning for where the little bit of Rain, likes to sit, now...
After IDOT's Fairfax, Iowa Bike Trail Project.
That Poor Saint, was Standin' in Water.
He never used to do that.
: (

Getting Dangerously Close....
to The Rabbit Hole.
: (
with just...a little rain.
: (

: (
The Starting of a Pond, where... uh, water Never Ponded 'Before'.
: (
Fairfax got some rain...
wait until The Real Rain Comes.
: (
We're having, and have had...Many Major Issues, since IDOT's...
Trail Accommodations.
: (
Always, Now...
Very Worrisome when it Rains.
Even... just a little.
: (
Tried So Incredibly Hard... to explain to Iowa Department of Transportation, District 6....
Engineers, that....
'water... simply does Not Run Uphill.'
Guess... They, like The Iowa Attorney General's 'People'... thought...
 recently, and stated... in a document we received...
I was just being
: (
: (
: (

Pictures Tomorrow...
of The Memorial Day Weekend Sale.
This Day... was consumed by so Many Other 'Issues'.
; )

Stay Tuned!!

Scroll down to earlier posts for images.
; )

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