Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Here We Go...

As I was driving Helper, Brandon... and Grandson, 'Major Helper'...
Justin, Home... tonight, 
realized I didn't get any images to post 'tonight'.
: (
{Brandon lives 24 miles, or so... to the East, of The Rabbit Hole.
Justin, lives about 40 miles to the West.
spent a 'little' time, today... being 'The Driver', Gratefully.}
What Would I Do...
Without Those Amazing... Boys???
; )
We Busted Our Tails...
today, oh my.
; )
still... have a Million Miles ta go.
{The Boys... have other obligations, tomorrow. We worked quite late... tonight, knowing that.}
: )
We've Been Hoppin' All Day!!
; )
Trailer is unloaded, got all of the tents set...
{Thanks Bill!!}
Tackled, yet... More Yard Work!!
; )

By the time, this evening... we were hittin' the road, Pal, Bill... had left.
Gayle... and Dale, had their things covered.
With all of the sale commotion, Miss. Peanut, gets a little twisted.
: (
Had to do a little 'Housekeeping' before taking the Boys 'Home'.
were the last thing on my mind, today.
; )

When me, and Sally... pulled in, at Home...
after 'this' day...
on the POS Drive, IDOT District 6, 'blessed' us, with...
exactly like the 'Farm' entrances...
to Farm Fields, oh my...
just... sat there,
 for a bit.

I... like Pal, Steph... described her 'feelings' long, ago...
 while doing an event, in Nashville.
'I feel like a 'Bag of Bones'.'
I, feel... like a bag of bones, tonight,
; )
; )

Counting 'Blessings'.
So Many...
<3 <3 <3 
: )

Have a Million Miles, to Go, tomorrow, but...
I will get images, tomorrow.
; )

After dropping Grandson, Justin... off, tonight...
noticed The Amazing Full Moon.
<3 <3 <3 
Hope Everyone... reading this, did, too.
; )
: )
It was Quite a Sight.
; )

Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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