Monday, May 27, 2024

Happy Memorial Day... to All!! Memorial Day Weekend Sale... Day 3 was Great!!! Day 4.... Last Day, Here We Come!!

Day 4...
Last Day, of The Memorial Day Weekend Sale.
Oh My!!
Still So Much!!
: )
Come Dig!!
; )
We'll start Packin' It Up... around 4ish, today.
; )
Been a Long Weekend!!
but, a Wonderful One!!

It was GREAT Seeing So Many Smiling Faces....
over the Weekend.
: )
Big Smiles....
even, when The Sun wasn't shining.
: )

This Couple had never visited The Rabbit Hole, they just stumbled upon it, early.. yesterday morning.
The Young Man, who followed me inside, said... 
as we entered...
"What 'IS'... This Place??!!"
as he threw his hands in the air...
with 'Wonder'.
Cracked Me Up!!!
: ) 
{It's So Damned Funny.... People Get LOST... Inside The Rabbit Hole!!
They'll say... "From the Outside... it looks so tiny, but... when you step inside...
It's Never Ending!! It Goes On FOREVER!!"
<3 <3 <3 
It's So True!!
: )

'These Days', I refer to The Rabbit Hole, as ...
'Total Chaos'...
'Looking Glass',
reflecting 'These' Times.
; )

Came close to putting a sign on the door, keeping it closed off, from The Sale, this time.
{The Yard Work... kicked my Butt, preparing for this sale.
oh my.
What a little rain will do.Wow.}

Remembered doing that, several years ago.... when, like This Year.... I simply couldn't get to It.
Oh Dear Lord!!
People were So Angry, I wouldn't give them the opportunity to at least 'Dig'.
: (
Let 'em Dig.... This Sale.
: )
I've been staying down there... picking away, at the Chaos.
It's been quite Wonderful...
resetting displays, and unearthing things, that haven't been 'seen'...
for far too long.
There was a Gentleman who stopped by, early...
yesterday afternoon, he literally spent HOURS...
going through Vintage Paper. Old Ledgers...
Images, Trade Cards... and Maps.
oh my.
He found a Pile!!
; )

We had so many Children, through... yesterday.
Love Watching Them!!
: )
The Parents often warn them to 
'Touch with Your Eyes... Not Your Hands.'
The Rabbit Hole...
isn't that kind of a 'Place'.
; )
I encourage Kids... to 'touch'.
: )
Throughout the years, it's Never been a Child, who breaks something.
It's Usually, me... : )
or, a 'Big Kid'.
: ) : ) : ) 
after all...
It's All... About
'The Journey', anyway.
; )
Something gets broken...
we'll save the shards...
and Make Something Cool, with 'em.
; )

Have some Big News... Comin'.
; )
Still Chewin' on The Details....
; )
Stay Tuned!!

9 a.m. 'til 4ish!!
; )

Happy Memorial All!!

Barb C.

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