Thursday, May 16, 2024

Tick Tock... oh my.

Love... that Cameron, from The Cedar Rapids Gazette!!
; )
She Always does Such a Great Job, with our ads.
: )

Went to unload... The Ford, this morning...
and found a 'Surprise'.
: )


Oh My!!
; )
It's a late 1800's Long Drop...
Schoolhouse Clock.
: )
Seems... it might need a little work, but...
when I have a moment, 
I'll Give It My Best Shot!!
; )

Unloaded all of the Lovely...
Concrete Statuary, this mornin'.
: )
The only pieces... I'll need a hand with, are The Massive Cocks.
; )
: ) : ) : ) 
Sorry, had to 'Drop'... That One.
: ) : ) : )
Peg would be So Proud!!

I'm beyond... Tired.
Heartbroken, too.
It's 'Show Time'...
can't get away.
Our Family... is hurting, please keep them All...
in Your Prayers.

Worked on getting things cleaned up...
and planted up, today.
The Herbs... smelled so Good, as I planted them, in the old Cupola top.
It's been a long time.
; )

This Big Urn...
has the backside Blown Out of It.
{Kicked out of it... : (}
It was a gift, from Daughter, Liz... many years ago.
I... wouldn't let her throw it away.
It's Beautiful...
One Piece, or... a Dozen.
; )

Happy, Happy....
Birthday, to Pal...
{Fern Hill. South Amana, Iowa.}
Thanks... to 
Steph, her Beautiful Daughter... and Dear Friend.
{Frond Design Studios, Fairfax, Iowa.}
Steph... called me a bit ago, wanting to meet up, and Celebrate.
No Can Do!!
: )
'It's Show Time!!'
: )
Steph Totally... Understood.
: ) 
Called Patti, told her we'd have to get together...
AFTER The Memorial Day Weekend Sale, 
Both of Our Birthdays!!
: )
{Patti is Workin' 'Her' Birthday... I Get It!! : ) }

Ya might want to Stay Tuned, concerning the Dual...
'Rain Check'.
: )
Jameson... Irish Whiskey, and...
Yukon Jack, a blended... Canadian Whiskey, with Honey...
 will be involved.
; )
Yukon Jack... Is,
 More 'Irish'...
than most know.
; )
; )

We All Need to Remember This.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for ALL!!!!

Barb C.

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