Sunday, May 26, 2024

Great Day Two.... at The Memorial Day Weekend Sale!! Day Three... Here We Come!!

Had a Great Day Two!!
Wonderful seeing So Many Dear Pals!!

Was GREAT seeing my Cousin, Julie... 
{She's in the black and gray. ; ) }
Haven't seen her in Years!!
We Talked, and Talked!!!
It's Never Quiet, when ya get Two 'Conner's' Together!!



The Sweet Young Men, I met at the Fairfax Estate Sale, came to visit!!
: ) : )


The Renaissance  Fair is going on at The Amana Park...
Loved seeing so Many stop by in Costume, yesterday!!
This little Gal... Loved The Rabbit Hole, and The Rabbits!!
When she rolled up her sleeve and showed me her Tatt....
: )
Had to grab my Hat.
{Daughter, Liz... made. <3}
I said...
Meet 'The Hatter'."
: )


: )
: )

Fun Day Two!!
: )
; )

Everyone is bringing More in... today.
: )
It's a little damp, this morning....
but, should be clearing off around Noon!!
: )

Lot's of Farm and Garden... to see, in the rain... and much under shelter, as well.
; )

Here We Go!!
: )
Opening at 9 Bells... Today!!!!
; )

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