Saturday, May 25, 2024

Memorial Day Weekend Sale... Day Two!! The SUN IS SHINING!!! YAY!!

Day One... was a Stormy Day!!
Holy Smokes!!
Wondered if The Tents could Take The HUGE Winds!!
Felt much Relief as I squinted to see them, through the window, in the dark, yesterday morning...
They Were Still Standing!!

Brave Folks Came Out!!
Oh My!! 

The above Follks were here, First... right at 9 Bells, to get a Pair of Chairs, they'd been Eyeing!!
: ) : ) : )

Mother Nature was On a Roll... All Day, Yesterday!!
We were Surprised at How Many... Came to The Sale...
Had Folks here... until 7 p.m.
God Bless 'em!!
Sadly, we had to keep Much Tarped, so Today...
Will Be AWESOME!! Glad to See The Sun!!
: )

We're putting More Out, Today!!
Oh Boy!!
; )
Day 2...
Here We Go!!
; ) : ) : )

John Helm
July 19, 1946 -
May 25, 2014
<3 <3 <3 

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