Saturday, May 11, 2024

Full Throttle, Baby. Wide Open.

Can't believe it's been 7 years.
: )

'Gold Rush' has been on my mind...
every moment, of every day.

Pal, Kevie... posted the above, on my FB timeline, this morning, while I was on The Road, it seems.
Didn't notice it, until now.
: (
Kevin... helped me out, that year.
Drove The Loaded Ford...
behind The FUSO.
Kevin... about Died, when we Ratchet Strapped That Mid 1800's Cupboard, to The FUSO's Back Door.
Heading for Gold Rush!!
: )
oh dear.
: )
The Tricks We Pull...
to Get To The Finish Line.
; )
'Git 'er Done'.
; )
Whatever... It Takes.
: )
'Full Throttle... Wide Open'.
; )
{This crazy 'business'... 
Isn't for the faint of heart. : ) <3 }
: )

So Incredibly Grateful...
to Kevin, and Everyone...
who has ridden, and continues to Ride...
 'Crazy Train', called 
'Life', with me.
<3 <3 <3 
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for ALL!!!!!
: )

Barb C.

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