Monday, May 13, 2024

Water... has a Mind of Its Own.

Played with Fountains, again... today, at The Rabbit Hole.
: )
They can be incredibly frustrating.
; )
Ya See...
'Water' has a Mind of Its Own.
; )
{I've created many, many... 'Fountains' over the decades, with non-traditional pieces.
I'm no Engineer, like The IDOT District 6 Folks are, but... 
I've dealt with 'Water'... enough to know...
It Doesn't Run 'Uphill'.}
; )

Made a Mad Dash... back to The Garden Center, today.
Needed  more hose, another pump... a few fittings, and Then Some.
: )
{It was Much 'quieter'.... at The Garden Center, today. : ) }

The thing about Water, and Fountains...
in small containers,
you have to be watchful...
how, the water 'wants' to flow.
Ya have to watch every drop.
How the water splashes.
The pressure... from the pump.
If... the water is sprinkling out of the bowl...
over very little time, the fountain will run dry.
Every Lost Drop of Water, matters.
The Flow... and Direction, matters.

Tested the above, over and over.
Had to tweak it a bit, here, and there.
: )
It's a tiny Fountain.
Very little water.
{Love Pal, Charlie's...
 Old... Mink Feeders, with it.
: )
They... kinda look like Shells. <3
They'd be great to plant little succulents in. : )}

Had to take The Rabbit Hole's Entire Fountain apart...
Oh Boy!!!
: )

New pump.
New hoses.
New fittings.
figure out how the Water...
'wanted' to flow.
; )
The pressure, and speed from the pump, has to be Just...
; )
Can't have Any Splashing, outside the bowl, if it does...
it'll run dry way too quickly.
after many Baths, today...
it's where it should be, with the new pump.
; )

Dear Pal... Cindy,
'Lady Bug Antiques', sent the below ...

: )

It's been a Crazy Busy Day, Fountains... aside.
: )
Met with Pal, Bill... at The Estate Sale, we just finished up with.
Loaded signs... and tables.
Met with the Estate's Daughter in Law, Lee... at the Estate.
Helped her move a few things.
She's going to conduct a Garage/Estate Sale... during Fairfax, Iowa, 'City Wide' Garage Sales, this coming Saturday, with what's left... at Evelyn's.
: )
{Normally... we have a 'Clean-Out', at the end... so, the Home is Ready For Sale.}
with this one,
Every Dollar Counts, for Evelyn's Care.
Lee, and Friends... will be adding MUCH More...
'The Cause'.
I'll be there... helping, on Saturday, May,18.
8 a.m. 'til... Whenever!!
: )
Wish I could help Lee, more...
but, I'm kinda buried down The Rabbit Hole.
; )
The Memorial Day Weekend Sale, is...
Coming Fast.
; )
: )

We've Got a Long Way... ta Go...
Short Time to Get There!!!
: )
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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