Sunday, May 19, 2024

It's Rollin' In.... for The Memorial Day Weekend Sale!!

Busy... Busy... Busy...
; )

Worked on gettin' The Simply Iowa Sow, planted around... this morning.
{She's not for sale. <3 
Everything around her... Is. : ) }
As I was draggin' things around... noticed a vehicle pull up.

It was Iowa County Farmer, Janet...
and Her Baby!!
: )
Janet was sad to hear we won't be Open...
until The Memorial Day Weekend Sale....
but, we had a Lovely Visit!!
; )
They're Comin' Back...
for The Sale.
: )

Southern Iowa...
Farmer Friends, Lynn, and Lea...
brought a Wonderful LOAD for The Sale, Today!!!
<3 <3 <3 
: )



Lynn, and Lea...
 helped me set some Cool Old Bed Frames...
: )
Lynn had his 'Wiiiiire' and John Deere pliers handy.
: )
{Those Iowa Boys {and Girls} from South of Iowa I-80, have their own 'Drawl'.
; )
Dad, and Brother... Sonny, never lost theirs. : ) 
Doesn't take me long to 'pick it up'... either.
; )
Remember, Daughter, Liz... being called a 'Yankee', kindly, by Folks in Nashville, because of the way she spoke.
They... couldn't get me on 'that'... in Nashville.
; )
They all thought I was 'One of Them'.
I was raised a little too close to the Southern Iowa Line, even tho...
 I wasn't, anymore... 'Southern' than Liz, but...
 being raised by Dad, who grew up in Southern Iowa....
It's my second language.
: )
I... can So Easily Slip into That Southern Iowa 'Drawl'.
'South of I-80... 'Drawl'' without knowing it.}
Love It!!
: )

Lynn, and Lea... helped drag, push... Pull...
and POUND, today.

Had to pick up a BIG Load, this... late afternoon, for The Memorial Day Weekend Sale.
Lynn, and Lea... headed South, for Home.

 As I was preparing to head North,
noticed... when closing The Ford's gate... 
had left his John Deere pliers, and... Roll of 'Wiiiiire', 
on the bed of The Ford.
: )
Had to Laugh!!
Snapped a picture.
: )
 Knew, it wouldn't take long... for Lynn, to 'feel'...
; )
Me, and The Ford... were about 8 miles North... of Fairfax, 
Lynn, and Lea... were, maybe, about 20 miles South...
when my phone rang.
: )
Lynn was Missin' Those John Deere Pliers, and... the 
: ) : ) : )
: )
: )

I'll be unloading The Ford... in the morning.
; )
Stay Tuned.
; )
oh my.
; )

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