Friday, May 31, 2024

Gitter Done!!

Scout's Pasture...
oh my.
; )

It's Grown So Fast!!
All That Clover, Alfalfa...
and Organic Scout Manure... 
oh my.
; )
Quite a Field!!
; )

When Justin 'J'... showed me how to run The Zero Turn Mower, yesterday...
he said...
"Grandma... this is really easy, it's like driving a Skid Loader."
{Easy for Him... : ) Justin learned how to operate a Skid Loader, about the same time he learned how to Walk!! : ) }
'J' was right... it is very Easy.
: )
Reminded me... of 'Reining' a Horse.
: )

Had to mow very SLOW, the First Go...
{ 'J' said... "Grandma... ya know you can go a Lot Faster." 
: )
Not In That Tall Field!!
Was mowing Very Narrow Bites, the First Cutting.
Was bogging down the Mower, at That.
{Helper, Brandon... had Just Mowed it... a week and a half ago. Holy Smokes.}

The First... cutting, left windrows... all over.

The Second Cutting, well...
; )
Grandma Put'er In GEAR!!
: )
THAT... Cuttin' Was FUN!!

John wouldn't let me mow with his John Deere.
: )
He did the Ridin'...
I did the trimming, and push mowing.
Seems, I was a little hard on The Deere's Mower Deck, one too many times.
: )
Gitter Done!!
I, tend to whip around Trees, like Barrel Racing!!
John's Deere's Deck... didn't like shaving so close to The Trees!!
In my defense...
I Never Once Knocked a Single Tree Over!!
: )

The Deck... on The Zero Turn, is... Much Tuffer than John's Deere's.
Like It!!
It's FAST....
It Can Spin on A Dime!!
Roll Back, in Reverse, as Quick as the Best Cutting Horses I've Ever Ridden!!
<3 <3 <3 

'J'... stayed late, and helped me finish trimming.
Gave him a ride Home, yesterday... late afternoon.

He brought me three and a half dozen eggs, should keep us, for a while.
: )

I was looking at the signs at his drive gate.
: )

: )
Told 'J'...
'There needs to be a 'Beware of The Horse'... sign, Too!!'
: )  : ) : )

That Romeo...
oh my.
He's Quite a Character!!
but, he sure Loves that Justin 'J'. 
<3 <3 <3 

Took many, many images of the property, yesterday.


The 'before' images, of the tiny bridge, and...
how water doesn't run uphill.
: (

Dozens, and Dozens.
oh my.
: (

It'll be quite interesting to compare them, when 'Fairfax' and IDOT get done with their Latest 
Multi Million Dollar Bridge/Trail.... 'Project'.

No 'Trail Accommodations'... Here.
: (

Pal, Bill... and me, loaded up the last of the tables, we let the Estate use, for their sale, day before yesterday.

After doing so, I pointed out to Bill...
where an accident between a Semi, and someone leaving the Dollar General... Nearly Collided, the other day.

We stood on the Fairfax/IDOT 151 Bridge Bike Pedestrian... UTV, and Snowmobile... Trail... 
looking at the black marks, from the Semi's locked tires, that ran hundreds of feet, in front of our Home.
: (

Bill... heard it happen, grabbed his phone and was ready to dial 911.
I, too... heard the Squealing Semi Tires, from inside The Rabbit Hole.
I... Ran out the back door, waiting to hear the 'Crash'... like So Many... Other Times.
the Semi, got stopped, before it hit the car that pulled out in front of him.

The bridge is bowed... much higher, now, to accommodate a Bike Trail, for Fairfax... Under it.

It's on a curve.
You can't See... people turning into our Drive... or, from Stallman Drive, until You Are On Top Of Them.
I've shared this, again, and again... with IDOT District 6, and... Fairfax, City Hall.
Deaf Ears.
Great Place for a Bike/Ped/UTV/Snowmobile/Golf Cart/Trail.
{'safety' studies...
'feasibility' studies...
 spending MILLIONS. 
: (

after all, conducting Those... 'Studies' would require Common Sense.}
oh dear.

People use the center Turn Lane... to pass, because they have no choice, except to Rear End the person ahead of them... or, pulling out... in front of them... turning right.
: (

Finally had a chance to listen to the May, 2024 Fairfax, Iowa, City Council Meeting, YouTube Video.
I... wasn't there... so, Naturally... the camera... worked.
; )

The last portion, was INSANE!!
That City Hall, doesn't like to be Questioned, by The Mayor, or... our Newest Councilman.
The 'Old' City Hall... Doesn't like the Thought of Background Checks, for city employees, for some reason.
Wonder... why.

They... don't like being questioned about how they 'spend' our money, either.
: (
Many Backs Were UP....
That Meeting.
; )

I Pray Our New Mayor, and Newest Councilman...
Keep Asking Questions.
; )
LOTS of Questions.
They both are being Bullied, Big Time, in my opinion.
: (
They are Both Taking The High Road.
'City Hall'... Certainly Is Not...
'Easy Road' for them, in my opinion.
: (
Glad I couldn't attend 'That' meeting.
: (

Plan on attending the next couple.
; )

Headin' out... to do More Trimming, and help Pal, Bill... pack up, from The Memorial Day Weekend Sale.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{had to post 'Brick House'... by The Commodores,
 for that
Zero Turn Mower!!!
; )
HOLY Smokes!!!
; )
It's a 'BRICK HOUSE'!!
; )
Helper, Brandon, may Never get to Mow... here, again.
; )
I'm Diggin' That 'Brick House' Zero Turn!! : )
Grateful... to Son, Justin... for bringing it here, and Grandson, 'J'...
for helping me 'Understand' It. }
: )

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