Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Few More Snippets of The Memorial Day Weekend Sale!!!

Friends brought a LOAD of Cool Garden Stuff for The Sale, yesterday!!
{don't know what I'm going to do with the IDOT's 'temporary' drain pipes, that are going on 5 years 'temporary'.
With chances of rain... off and on, can't roll them up this time.}
: ( : ( : (

Grandson, Justin... helped so much, after his Home School Teacher left, yesterday.
He's a Worker Bee!!

Working on The Rabbit Hole, and it's area... again,  today, then...
heading to the North side of the property.
SO MUCH... To Get Done,
So Little Time!!
Oh Dear!!

Stay Tuned!!
; )
{Scroll down the blog for more images. : ) }

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