Monday, May 13, 2024

Pretty Day!!

Mother's Day...
was Such a Pretty Day, here.
Asked Helper, Brandon...
last week, if he could come mow... on Sunday.
Completely forgot Sunday was Mother's Day, when I asked him.
When I didn't here from him, Sunday morning, realized then...
he was probably going to spend the day with his Mom.
; )
Brandon called, near Noon, asked if I still wanted him to mow.
He was going to spend time with is Mom, later... in the afternoon.
: )

When Brandon arrived, he had the Rose... above for me.
: )
He's Such a Good Kid!!
; )
The little Heart, on the table... was a gift, from Pal, Mary Sellon.
{Dark Horse Antiques}
I've left it right where Mary set it, several years ago.
Mary... passed away, shortly after that visit.
: (
I... think of Mary, so often.

The little concrete Girl, was a gift, from Pal, Donita.
{Whispering Pines Ornamental Concrete. Monticello, Iowa.}
Donita brought her to me, when I was recuperating from 'The Fall' down the basement stairs, several years ago.
Think of Donita... when I look at her.
{and... Peg. <3
 Our Peg... would've Loved That Little Girl, Too!! : ) <3 }
Donita, and her Husband, Charlie... are Wonderful Folks!!
Check out Their Amazing Place!!
; )

Spent the Day... Dancin' with Mr. DeWalt, and the Loppers.
Diggin' through tarps, for tents... 
{Memorial Day Weekend... Is Comin' Fast!!YIKES!!!}
Worked on Fountains... ran to the Home and Garden Center...
to get parts for a fountain's pump.
NOT a Place to Be... on Mother's Day!!
Holy Smokes!!
What a ZOO!!
; )

Yesterday was Toasty...
Hot, actually... when you're Workin'!!
This mornin' is Much Cooler, a little rainy, but...
: )

Captured the above, and below... images, of the Miniature Lilac, I'd planted 20 years ago, or so,
this mornin'.
: )

One of the Best Friends, of my life...
gave it to me... on my birthday, about 20 years ago.
<3 <3 <3 
She made me her Famous Jell-O Cake, for my birthday, every year.
: ) <3
That year, Geri gave me the Miniature Lilac, too.
I...thought, it was a miniature 'bush'...
and it wouldn't get very big, so...
planted it beside the door of The Hen House.
; )
: )
The 'Lilacs'... are 'miniature',
{Their Amazing 'Scent' is Not!!  Wow...!!
They Smell Incredible This Morning after the early morning's gentle shower!!}
The 'Bush'... well, 
It's Not 'Miniature'... anymore!!!
: )
I think of Geri, every time my eyes land on it.
What a Wonderful Soul, 'Friend'... Geri was.
Miss Her!!

Making Lists...
this morning.
So Much... to Get Done!!
Pick Up, Order...
Need to be 6 People!!
Oh My!!
; )

Better Get Crackin'!!
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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