Tuesday, July 2, 2024

'The Restless Redhead'

: )

Yes... It's a 'Jungle'... Out There!!
; )

Most every morning... I have a 'routine', as... I'd guess, most do.
then... watch a little News, 
prepare a little Breakfast...
if I don't have to be somewhere, early....
'Perry Mason', from 8 - 9.
LOVE Perry Mason.
Even watch the re-runs of Old... re-runs, I've seen before.
: )

This morning... I About Croaked!!
I was a few minutes late... getting to Perry Mason, to find the show that was running, was in COLOR!!!
Oh Dear Lord!!!
: ( : ( : ( 
Thought MeTV had taken Perry off.
: (
Turned out, it was one of the first early episodes of Perry Mason, in Color.
Hadn't seen this episode before.
: ) : ) : ) 
{after watching it... much prefer the Black and White, but... that's o.k.}

In this episode... Perry's beloved Secretary, Della Street, made a comment, about Perry, that really struck me.
Della said, when responding to a 'cynic'...
"Mr. Mason doesn't put a 'price tag' on his conscience."


I believe it was in this same episode... 
it may have been in last nights,
{I watch Perry Mason twice a day.
 : )
8 - 9 a.m., and 10:30 - 11:30 p.m. 
Like... 'The Andy Griffith Show'. Twice a Day, if possible.}
Perry said, to a 'Crook'... 
" 'Lady Justice', sometimes isn't as blind as she seems."
; )

I'm not talking 'politics'... but after watching The Supreme Court's ruling, yesterday...
concerning 'immunity', well....
I understood the American People... are going to get a 'Taste'... of dealing with what we've been dealing with, concerning The Iowa Department of Transportation.

I was made aware... a while back, that The Iowa Department of Transportation.... also enjoys 'Immunity'... to Fraud.
Never knew that. Everyone I've shared that information with, had never heard of such a thing.
We all... just scratch our heads, about that.

would a Government entity require 'immunity' to Fraud??

would Anyone Bother.... to enter into Any Contract, or Agreement with 
The Iowa Department of Transportation??
Their signed, recorded... 'agreements'... in my opinion, 
would be better used as Toilet Paper, because....
those at IDOT, who agree to a 'contract'... don't have to Keep their Recorded Word, or Promises.
My opinion.
I'm not a Lawyer.
I do watch a Really Great One on t.v. 
: )

The way I...  and All of my Pals... see it, an entity only needs immunity to Fraud, if they plan on being Fraudulent.
my opinion.
: )
I'm not a Lawyer.

There's a couple of things we're waiting to hear on, concerning our 'Mess'.
I'll be writing about them, no matter how they go.
The fact that certain 'requests'... were even broached, is beyond shocking to me.
I believe they will be to others, as well.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Had to laugh... when I saw the Title of the above, 'Perry Mason' episode.
'The Restless Redhead'.
; )

Seemed rather 'Fittin', this mornin'. }

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