Saturday, March 25, 2023

Finding The Highway.

Me, and The Ford... are on the road... today.
Making deliveries.
If it's not too late, when I'm done... I'll head to Marion.
Pal, Bill... made Huge Strides there... yesterday.
; )
I...made Huge Messes.
; )
Sometimes ya have to do that... before you can put all of the pieces back together.
at least...
I do.
; )

Received a call yesterday from a Lady... whom I'd met at JJ.
She asked me if I'd consider being a Judge, at The Antiques exhibit at The Iowa State Fair, in August.
Felt be asked.

Had to check my schedule, but... think I'm good to go.
; )

Sounds like fun.

Love FB Memories... but when Scout popped up, last night.....
oh my.
Threw me for a loop.
I've been so busy, and preoccupied...I'd forgotten what day yesterday was.
The month of March... is a difficult one.
so is February...May, June... and July.
Guess the more time we spend on this earth... there's gonna be more, and more... life events, with every month.
Was thinking about that, this morning.
Also...thinking back, on a conversation...I'd had with Peg, at The Rabbit Hole.
We were talking about our Beloved Pets.
Peg adored her little hound, Chloe.
As we were chatting about my Polly, whom I adored...along with all of our Beloveds, Peg...started to cry.
I...asked her, what her tear's were for.
She said... "I don't know what I'm going to do...when Chloe dies."
I...looked at Peg, and asked her if Chloe was sick.
Peg said... "No.... but, one day...she'll be gone."
I...looked at Peg, and told her... 'That' day... will come for all of us.
and... it'll be a horrible,, but.... we shouldn't give our Joy...away, today...with those we love, not... give another day to sorrow, not another moment.

I need to remind myself of that... more.
The 20 years I had with Scout... the years, and years... I shared with loved ones, that are gone..
there was only One...truly... horrible, moment...
hopeless day.
 with each of them.

All of The Rest... beside, that 'One'... were Blessings.
THOSE...are The Days... I need to remember, : ) not... that 'one'.

It's easier said... than done.
: )
Something...I need to work on. 
; )
{another... 'something'. : ) }

Gotta Fly.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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