Friday, March 17, 2023

St. Patrick's Day... at Junk Jubilee!! FUN!!

These Girls Were Rockin'!!
Oh My!!!
; )

We'll Do It All.... Again, Tomorrow!!
; )

The Attendance was Great!!
; )
{Micca, and her Family... do Such a Great Job. <3}

Liz, and Adam... Rocked!!!
Their Booth, is Crazy Fun!!
; )
They have a 1960's Stereo, with a Turntable...playing old vinyl, in their booth.
: )
Bad Company, Skynyrd, Jennings... but, when Liz put 'Sinatra' on, I Was Dancin'!!!
: ) : ) : )
{'Nancy'... Sinatra. <3}
: )

I simply don't have enough... but, knew that, goin' in.
It Is... What It Is.
: )
All I can do, is my Best, with What I Got.
; )
It's been Wonderful Seeing Everyone.
Pal, Sharon, stopped by. Always Great seeing her.
Old Friend... Carla, popped in.
Haven't seen her in 20 years.
We had a Great Visit!
; )
Always meet Such Wonderful Folks, at these Events.

Was an hour late, getting to JJ.
Liz, was holding down The Fort.
Had to get June Bug, {Justin} Home, this morning.
 Highway  30, was good, unbelievably...this morning.
Night, and Day.
{Thanks...IDOT Plow Truck Drivers. <3 }

the sideroad's... 
were Not.

Very slow going, on the sideroads, this morning.
Blacktop County Roads.

The Grader was out, on the Gravel... He was doing an Awesome Job, by Son, Justin's, this morning.

Last night, coming Home, was one of the most 'White Knuckled' drives, I've ever encountered.

That's saying a lot.

Travelled many, many...miles, at 30 miles an hour, on Highway 30, with the emergency flashers on.
Little visibility, slick...slick...slick.
{I wasn't the only one. Thank God, Many... were using their Flashers, and Slowing Down.}
oh my.
Had I known...what we were driving into, never would've left Des Moines.
It's one thing...getting caught in that, alone...
but, having Justin with, was very worrisome.
By God's Grace, we made it.
Jethro, is so light... and rear wheel drive, he's not suited...for 'That'.
No... vehicle is.

Saw the Semi, overturned... this morning, while heading back to DM.
It was on it's side.
There was an SUV, with it... 
They'd gotten the SUV out, and the Semi, on it's feet, by the time I passed by, this evening.
Many were caught, in that crazy, unpredicted mess... last night.
Hope nobody was injured.

Had to laugh, when I parked Jethro, at The Fairgrounds, to unload...a little more.
I was visiting with a Customer, while setting things down, I'd unloaded...
Liz...yelled, "JETHRO!!"
I'm like..."what???"
"What about... 'Jethro'??"
She was Laughing!!!
Someone from the Fair Board, was announcing over the intercom... 'Vehicle' plate numbers, that were parked where they ought not be.
Liz said... "They were rattling off numbers, then said... "and...'JETHRO'."
: ) 
He's Such a Troublemaker!!!
{so is his 'driver'. ; ) }
 That's Permitted!! ; ) }
oh my.
; )

It was a Great Day.
: )
{Grateful to Be Alive... after last night's Ride!!}

Glad to be Home.
One More...Day!!
JJ Runs...through tomorrow.
; )

on to 
The Living Estate Sale, in Marion, Iowa.
; )

Come See Us, at Junk Jubilee.
oh my.
; )
It's a Laugh...a Minute!!
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, All.

Barb C.

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