Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Big...News!! Mark Your Calendars!!!

As I was Diggin'...through Buildings, today...loading for Gold Rush,
'Buildings' that haven't been Touched, for 3 years...
since IDOT's Wrongfulness, for Fairfax's Trail...That All...but shut us down,
oh my.

So Much...Great Stuff, sitting, waiting...just like me, for IDOT to Make Things Right.
Correct The Damages... They Knowingly Inflicted with Their Planned, Intentional, Wrongful...
Illegal... Condemnation, for Fairfax's Trail.
: (

{They won't even respond to Josey Wales, our Lawyer. 
: ( : ( : (
They will...eventually.
 Much More on That...very soon.}

I was visiting with Friends, as I was digging....saying, if...
I could only...find a Way, with what we've been left with...here, to have a Sale...again.

They All Said...
"Let's Make It Happen!! I'm In!!"
<3 <3 <3 
"We'll find a Way. We'll Figure It Out!!"
<3 <3 <3 

We Are Going To Pull 
The Fall Harvest Sale...
Together, Again!!
: )

October 7, 8, 9...and 10. 
; )

I'll have More Details, closer to 
: ) : ) : )

It's Gonna Be a Trick, with what IDOT's 'Left' Us...
I believe, We'll Make It Happen.
; )
It'll never be The Same, as it was.
That Ship Sailed, when IDOT Breached our recorded agreement, encroached so Deeply upon us...and made us...a Flooding Pit, for Fairfax.

We'll Have a 'Tent City'...Here.
; )
{We've lost most of our Tents, with the last Storm, and the derecho.
 Friends, today... All Guaranteed...
 They'll Be Here, With Theirs. Willing to Share, with me...and Everyone.
Friends, and Neighbors...
Like Before.}
The Buildings are...Full.
; )
May have to take my Friend's Up...on some of that 'Tent' Space...as well. 
; )

Tall Order...pulling this off,
oh my...
but, I Feel The LOVE,
 and Confidence, 
of Dear Friends... 
who don't want to see This Die, because of Such...

Game On!!
; )
{So Blessed...with Such...Amazing Friends.}
: ).......
I'm Overwhelmed.
: )

Haven't touched base with some of Those...yet, today, who were ALWAYS...Such a HUGE Part of 
The Fall Harvest, and Memorial Day Weekend Sales.
{Everything Is Happening So Fast!! }
don't think I have to.
; )
They'll Be Here. 

Love to Ya.
Prayers...for All.

Barb C.

{Pal, Bart...stopped by The Rabbit Hole, as I was typing. He called, wondered if I was Home. Told Bart, I am...but, I'm posting a Blog, and Have to Get It Out!! Hahahaha!
Told Bart, the subject. ; )
He's All Over It!! Said he'll be Bringing LOAD'S!!! <3 <3 <3 
Priceless!! ; ) }

{Sorry, to Those Dear Friends, who've been Calling, after seeing my Simply Iowa post, on FB. I was Typing!!
Big News!!
: ) 
Couldn't answer. <3 }

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