Monday, July 4, 2022

Gravel Roads.

Gravel Roads.


A Good Day. 

Justin 'J'...took us to meet the Neighbor's Critters.
'J'...mows for the Lady who has them.
Very Fun.

Willow found a tiny snail...while she, and Meadow were playing on the bank of the Lake.

She wanted to keep him, but I talked her in to putting him back.
; )
Told her...that little snail's Home...was in the Lake....we'd come back, and visit him again.

These Kids...Live for The Outdoors.
They're not afraid of Anything.
Meadow, and Willow...picked Justin's bait out for him...
Worms, and Leaches.
Little Justin, had a Fit...when he caught the Girl's setting his 'bait'!
{Priceless. <3 }

After Liz, Adam...and their Kiddo's went home, I went with Son, Justin...and his Kiddo's to The Lake.
They all had such a good time.

Justin, and Bear...played Tug of War....for a long time.
Vivian put her money on Bear. 
; )
I think it wound up being a Tie.

Liz, and Adam... working on Sally.
Viv...didn't quite know what to think.

Tight Quarters....getting to Sally's pump.

Justin 'J'... took me, and the Girls...for a Beautiful Ride, throughout the countryside....yesterday.

This post isn't in order.
{Seems, fitting. Nothing's in 'order'...these days.}
Still blogging from my phone.

It was a Pretty day.
There's so much going on...I can't put in to words.

Please keep our your Prayers.

Love to Ya.
Prayers...for All.

Barb C.

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