Wednesday, April 20, 2022

When Push...Comes to Shove.

Was Running...Running, yesterday.

SO MUCH to Get Done.
: ( : ( : ( 

Getting The Rabbit Hole partially pulled together...then, The House...for 'Visitors'.
Now...have to head to Des Moines, to Junk Jubilee.
The Fuso had tail light issues, won't even Go There...about getting Everything in Order, yesterday...
getting The Fuso in Order....along with So Much...I had to put on the bottom of the list, to try to Pull Everything Off.
oh my. 

So Far Behind.

Helper, Brandon...has been down for weeks.
: ( : ( : ( 
So...It's all 'me', this time.
There's not much....of 'me'...left, at this point.

Those 'Visitors'...really took more out of 'me'...than I suspected.
Feeling It All...

Going to throw a few more things on The Fuso...this morning.
Head to Des Moines...unload,
come Home...tonight, load The the morning, then...take it to Des Moines,
unload, set the booth, and come Home...tomorrow night.
Show Opens early Friday morning.

Friday's going to be a Long...Long...Day.
Spending 4 hours a day on the highway...each day, is beyond frustrating.
I'm pretty good at multi tasking, Daughter, Liz...says, but....
driving two Trucks at the same time.... haven't been able to master....yet. 

Pulling This Off...
So Many Long, Hard Days, with so little of myself do it, is gonna be a miracle.

It's one thing to be so mentally exhausted, throw in a Huge amount of Work...and so, so....many long hours, and keep 'Smiling'...while doing it.
oh my. 
 : ) : ) : ) 

When my eyes opened this Morning.... the word 'Trauma'...popped into my brain.

This IDOT bullshit....
has been relentless Trauma, for Years.
Bless Their Heart's.

There are so many things, I can't write about...concerning this.
The Day...will come, when I can. 

So...need to get things gathered up, and loaded.
Popped Aleve at 3 this morning...poppin' more, with my Coffee now.
Have no idea...what's going, or how the booth is going to come together.
I, don't even know what's in The Fuso.
Haven't had a 'creative' moment to think about it.
; (
'Trauma' consuming....and take's a toll.
It truly...does.
It...truly has.
Like the song goes...
'I feel like a candle in a hurricane'.
have for a long...long...

Just thinking...I've got to be so careful...right now.
I'm so damned weary, I'll get myself hurt, if I'm not very, very careful.
Gonna have to take Everything...very slow.
Think...Think...about every step, and Stay In The Moment. Lord.

Well...headin' outside...
it's gonna be a cold...rainy, windy... time loading this morning.

Fire up The...Old Fuso.

Full Throttle...
Wide Open.

; ) 

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

When time's are So Incredibly Challenging, I think of Dad.
I can hear him...say, as he so often did...when I thought something wasn't possibly achievable...
He'd say...
"You'll get'er. ; ) You'll be alright. ; )"
Dad had a Lot of me.
; )
John, did too.
oh my.
; )

John, often said the same thing.

Sometimes...I'd get so Angry, inside...when They'd Say Those Things!!!
I'd be thinking...
"Sure Glad YOU Think So!!!
 How In The I gonna Make 'This'...Happen???"

ya know what...
 They were always right.

Guess They...saw something, I sure never have.
Maybe, just...knowing...They Believed I could, made me Push a Little Harder.
; )
I've watched them Both, Do...what most thought was Impossible.
<3 <3 <3 
"Git'er Done."
; )

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