Friday, April 8, 2022

The Spider's...are Not Happy.

 Been workin' on cleaning my bedroom.

Told a Friend, today...
My bedroom looks more like a 'Tomb'...
than a 

An...Ancient, Ancient...Tomb.
Broken Relics...
To No End.

'Visitors'...are coming through, on the 18th.
I wanted Two Months, to get the house in shape.
Got...two weeks.
; )

Since John left...well, I truly have been a 'Ghost' the house.
Throw in a 5 year Battle with IDOT, and Fairfax...
Shows, Estate Sales, and...trying to pull The Rabbit Hole from The Ashes, 
I, really don't care about 'The House'.

My bedroom, is the, I worry about.

Only me, Peanut...and The Spider Family...dwell there.

The last couple of days workin' on it, really...has been good.
Yesterday...didn't work on it, at all.
Scoutaroo...was on my brain.
My Heart.

I've never been a 'minimalist'...never will be.
Was born a hundred years late.
Should've been  'Victorian'.

I make No Apologies for the amount of Treasures.
The Dust, and Big Spiderwebs...well...I don't like 'That'.
{I have Nothing against Spiders. <3 }

The Dust is Thick.
{IDOT's Grinding Pit...across the road, didn't help.}

This damned stress...from IDOT, and Fairfax, has made a change in my wardrobe.
So...I've been sorting through clothes, for The Women's Shelter.
There's lot's of them.
Some, barely... or never worn.

Wound the Old OG Clock, {1860's weight driven} and a Kitchen Clock, {1880's }in my bedroom today.
They hadn't been wound, since John left.
They Took Right Off!!!
Eight Years, Plus, they've set quietly.
They're Talkin' Now!!
{there's another 4, or try, when I get to them. }

That Gnarly...Statue, on the right, I found in New Orleans, long ago, when Pal, Allyson, and I visited.
It was embellished by a kinda famous, New Orleans Artist.
Love IT!!!
Makes Me Smile!!
; )

It's comin'.
; )

Took down the bed's canopy...tonight, threw it in the wash.
; )

walked to The Rabbit Hole, and grabbed a bottle of Wine.
; )
Sippin' on it, Straight from The Bottle, as I write.
What a Day.
; )

Long Day.
; )
 a Good One.
I Love Cleanin' Things...
I 'Love'.
Getting reacquainted with memories, I...haven't seen, or thought Years.
Old Pals.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{I refer to my bedroom, as 'my bedroom'...because, John hadn't slept there...with me, for many years. John injured his back, in the 1980's...and couldn't sleep in a 'bed', for at least two decades before he left us.
His Old...Lazy Boy, was where John could Rest...Best.
{There's been a few 'Old...Lazy Boys', over the years }
I, often slept in another Lazy Boy, next to 'John's Room'.
'The TV Room'.
Took me two years, maybe...longer, after John left, to open the door, to 'John's Room'.

Now...I, often sleep in John's Old...Old, Lazy Boy. 
Peanut...sprawled across my lap.
: )
{She thinks she's a 'little pup'.
; )
 Not So Much!!
 Hahahaha. }

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