Sunday, April 17, 2022

Taking a break.

Just sat down...for the first time, today.
 Been going non-stop.
Liz, and Adam...came to help....around 11 a.m., to help...clean up the breezeway, and put a new, old door on the kitchen.
They were So Much Help.

I, still have a Million go.
oh my.
Had another melt down...last night.
This IDOT Absolutely...Overwhelming.
Sometimes...I wonder, if I'll survive it. wasn't for my Faith....and our Lawyer, I...don't think I'd be here.
I...truly don't.
My nerves...are absolutely...shot.

As Liz was leaving...she walked up to me....and said, "Mom...I'm so glad it's you handling this...and not Dad. Dad couldn't have handled this, he wasn't strong enough."

: (...................

John, was Strong.
Very Strong, in every way.
would've done John in.
It nearly did...last condemnation, by IDOT.

I'm just trembling.
This go around...with them, has been so much worse, than the last time, in 96.
It was Bad...then.

This time...with the breaching of our recorded agreement, all...of the flooding, the drive...the lies, the butchering...oh my.

Going on 6 years...since this all started, with Fairfax, then...IDOT.
Shop has been closed for nearly 3 years.
This place...has become one huge storage unit.
It's...just heartbreaking.

Having them walk through our Home..and Buildings, tomorrow... is like inviting the attacker inside our Sanctuary.
Had they just...kept their word.
That's all we asked of them.

Should be concentrating on Des Moines, Junk Jubilee.
Have to get the truck...loaded. Leaving Wednesday, for that.
I...pray, for the strength...mentally, and get it all done.

I'm leaning pretty hard, on The Lord...these days, and our Lawyer.
He'll be here, well.
So will our Kids.

This is the first Easter of my life.....we didn't celebrate.

I've got to get back to work.

Love to You.
Prayers...for All.

Barb C.

Friend, Jodi...posted the above image on FB, yesterday.
I was so it, and her.
She's going through So Much.
So...Many, are.
oh my.


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