Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Counting Blessings.

Sweet...Sweet, Pal...Polly, stopped by last night, to Gather Flowers.
: )
I, Absolutely Adore Polly.
She's a Neighbor, and works at The Best Bank on The Planet.
Fairfax State Savings Bank.
{like Family <3 }

When Polly got home...she texted me, such a Beautiful Text.
I...just sat here, and wept.

{Polly parked at the end of the front drive, where it wasn't too soft. She had No Scary That Was, until we started loading her vehicle.
Oh My!!
Yeah, right where Fairfax is putting their Suicide Trail, District 6 made Accommodations, for them.
Don't think Polly will park There...again.
oh my.}

Yesterday...was a stressful day, to say the least.
Been too many of those days, for far too long.

Yesterday, started counting 'Blessings'...instead of wrongfulness.
: )
Polly...Is One Of Them.
There's So Many.
So Many.
<3 another.
Marianne, from Minnesota, sent me a Beautiful...Heartfelt Card, and a Lovely Drink Container, that has a Horse on it...and a saying, 
"Some Horses will Test You, Some will Teach You, and Some, will Bring Out The You."
in  Scout's Memory.

Scout, Did All of Those Things.
Bet Romeo did, too.
Marianne understands.
She's a Horsewoman, lost her Beloved Romeo, not long ago.
Marianne, is Priceless. 

Blessings, Blessings.

I clipped a Beautiful Lock of Scout's Mane, and Tail...after he passed.
{Eeeeek. Tears!! Dang!!}

I'll put his with Admiral's...
on John's Memorial.
{That 'Memorial' getting awfully crowded. : ( : ( : ( }

So many Folks stopped by, when The Rabbit Hole was Open, looking for Scout.
So Many...Tears.
Scout, Truly...was Everyone's Horse.
<3 <3 <3 

Don't know what's happening with The Semi.
It's in Josey Wales' Hands, and The Kind Man's...who owns it.
Won't even go where the IDOT Went, with an email...last night.
District 6.

Working on the House, and Shop.
The Rabbit Hole will be
Sunday, April 10.
Noon 'til 6.
; )

The Midwest, and Collector's Eye Shows, will be on the 10th, in Cedar Rapids, at Hawkeye Downs...
about 5 minutes from The Rabbit Hole.
It's So Amazing!!!!
I'll post more on it, soon.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.


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