Tuesday, June 27, 2023

It Is... What It Is.

{Wrote this post, this morning.
Didn't post it.
Had to leave Quickly, at a Dead Run, before I could finish it.
It was a Long Day, as... I'd expected, this morning.
'Longer'... than I thought, it would most likely be.
I'll write about 'This Day', tomorrow. 
Decided to post, what I'd written this morning, anyway.
'As Found'.
Nearly... deleted it all, tonight... but, decided, it is... what it is.}

New Day.

It's Gotta Be.
Gotta Be.

Visited with a Dear Friend, yesterday afternoon... 
who is struggling.
We talked about her issues... my, issues... tried to sort through them, little by little.
She said... "We have to learn to accept things we cannot change."

Why... is it...when I'm told that... do I get so Angry???
: (

She said... "Barb, why is it... I faithfully hand things over to the Lord, then...
take them back?"

I had no answer... because, I do The Very Same Thing!!!

Meeting with many Folks, today.
It's going to be a busy one.
Hopefully... I can be of some help... to them.

I do appreciate the anonymous commenter for coming forward.
: )
I read the comments, but don't usually respond to them, on Blogger.
If I have a phone number, I will sometimes call, or text a response.
If... they're anonymous, I can't.

Today... I'm gonna try to figure out how... to 'deal'... with 'frustrations'.
; )
A Different Way, to 'Deal'. 
For the last, many... many... years, I feel like 'Alice', when she's falling down the rabbit hole.
Life... for the most part... has been like a vortex, a 'Silly Silo'... amusement park...ride.

My Dear... Friend, from yesterday... is on a very similar 'Ride'.
So Many... Are, it seems.
: (

The Truth Is...
There's Beauty All Around Us!!
Good People!!
Great People...

So Many Blessings!!
So Much... to be Grateful...for.

I may look for another job.
Something... I can do at night. 
Find Something... to keep my mind busy, and... be helpful, to others.
Not give the 'frustrations'... so much of my time, and energy.

There are many, many... things in life, we can't change.
The weather... illnesses, death, the hearts of others.... are a few.
I accept those things, it's painful... to accept those things, but... I accept them.

I...struggle, with the man made, deliberate, intentional... 'doings', that I believe can be changed, and should be.

I believe... in time, many things... can be changed. However, if we all 'accept' them, they won't be changed.

Patience towards 'man made' 'doings'... has never been my long-suit. 
We all, at some time, have 'Trauma'... in our lives.
Some deal with it... much better, than others.
I Admire... Those People... who walk through Trauma, so Gracefully.
: )

I've got to figure this out, how to manage these 'frustrations'... or they'll take me down completely.
Maybe... I'll start doin' Yoga.
: )
I've been told, it's a Good Thing.
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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