Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Bridge Meeting Presentation 6 6 23


Anonymous said...

So on the Friends of Fairfax 2 Facebook page some one asked who got the camera's for recording the meetings and Kate pacha replied that the council wanted them. If so why did it take a new mayor to get them in place?0

Simply Iowa said...

It's been an interesting 'Journey' with Fairfax, Iowa 'City Hall', concerning cameras. I've Begged Them, for Years to get them. They'd 'talk' about it, then... nothing.
When Jo Ann Beer was voted in, recently... she Made It Top Priority.
Transparency is Top Priority with Jo Ann Beer. She Loves this Town, and works Incredibly hard, for it. She's a Straight Shooter, that's why I voted for her, and intend to again. Fairfax Needs Her.
There's other YouTube videos, I captured, along with Dan Wozniak, a concerned Fairfax resident, that shows one of the other council members arguing against them.
{ Why Would They Not... want Cameras??? I believe we know the answer to that, sadly.}
It's been a Long Time Struggle, getting a camera inside 'Fairfax City Hall'. When Tom Nurre was elected for council... at the last election... he brought up wanting cameras. I, had to laugh. 'Great Idea'!! I thought... {I've only been asking Them Forever. Every Town around us...has them.} Nothing was Done, until Jo Ann Beer took over. They played around, with this, and that... but wouldn't commit until Jo Ann made it a Priority. So Grateful.