Sunday, December 4, 2022


Yesterday... just as The Nutcracker was about to Raise The Curtain...
received a text, from 'Josey Wales'...our Lawyer, about meeting, today.
I showed it to Pal, Allyson.
She laughed.
: )
" 'Josey Wales', 'The Outlaw'? : ) "


Allyson was surprised that he works on Sundays.
: )

I reminded Allyson, 'Warriors'... and All...who are 'self employed', Work...Seven Days a Week.
That's, ah...Simply, 
 just, how it is.
; )

Had many documents to go
Reminded Mr. Josey Wales, today... had IDOT simply kept their recorded agreement, not Breached it... we'd both be Enjoying much, much...more 'Holiday Merriment', today.
oh my.
; )

{and...our Home, wouldn't have Flooded 14 Times, in the two Drought Years, since Their 'Trail' Project.
Yeah, Water doesn't Run Up Hill. Who Knew???}

When I pulled in, at Home... walked Straight to the Old...Dairy Cupboard.
The Quote, on the tiny...mid 1800's Child's Cup, says it all.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{The Wonderful...tiny Child's Cup, was a Gift given to me... decades ago, from Friend, Colleen. 

Truth, and Trust...
Matter, to Many, I Believe.

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