Thursday, September 29, 2022

Simply... Iowa.


While working in the, ran across a Bunch, of Beauty.
; )
Images, of 'Old Iowa'.

They made me Smile.
: )

There's probably a Hundred Quilts, sitting beside what's left of our Drive.
They need a Home.
This one, isn't fittin'...
: (
They Deserve...Better, than what's left, here.
; )

Folk's have been texting me, wondering...if I'm 'Sellin' Out'.


I'm hoping to put some of the 'Old Souls', in better hands.
In...a Better Place.
This 'Place' No Place, for Them...anymore.
They Deserve... Better.

Make No Mistake....
I'm Not Quitin'.
; )

I want to Thank...The Folks who've commented on my Blog, concerning Peanut.
{I keep all Blogger comments, private.}
Those...who Understand, the 'Loss of Mind', when our Beloveds... turn up...missing, in an instant.
It's happened, far too often, around here, over the years.
It's a JOLT, that's mighty difficult to recover from.
: (
Too many times, over the next to Highway 151, there hasn't been a 'Happy'...ending.
'The Pet Cemetery Tree', 
{that the IDOT Wrongfully... Now They...could Make The Wrongful...Accommodations, 
for Fairfax's Bike Trail...}

is Living Proof, of that.

I, probably spoil...our Beloveds, a bit more...than some believe...I should.
; )
To them...I, say...

"Bless your hearts. <3
 I...truly appreciate, your opinions."
; )

I Miss...That Person, who always had her The Clouds.
; )

Yes, Indeed...
There's Work To Be Done.


Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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