Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Fall Harvest Sale!! October 7th. thru 10th!! Got a Long Way To Go...and a Short Time to Get There!!

Pal, Mark..and his Beautiful Daughter, Kelsey... came over, and put up a 20x20 Tent, 
two more 12x26 Tents...to go.
; )

I'm still working in the Garage.
Was Thrilled to find the Vintage Christmas Tin, yesterday!!
There's going to be Ton's of Vintage Christmas....

Love the old, old...Pie Safe Sides.
They were tucked behind the old Cupboard I was cleaning out, yesterday, below.

It was Packed Full!!
Top to Bottom!
Found a Mass of Vintage Cookie, and Biscuit Cutters. <3

In the same...old Cupboard, where I found the Vintage Christmas Tin, found this Early, Early...
It's handmade, hand forged.

Seems like I haven't made a Dent...in that Garage.
Still have The Greenhouses, Gazebo, Truck...and Trailer, to Go!!
Holy Smokes!!
Sure Miss My Pegadoo!!

Had to quit a little early, yesterday.
After the Miss. Peanut 'Jolt'...yesterday morning, I gotta tell ya, that took the Wind, completely out of my Sails.

She'd gotten loose, the snap broke on her cable.
I only snap her out, for a few minutes...several times a day.
She's blind, taking her for walks, isn't an option.
I about died, when I saw her cable on the ground, without Peanut...on the end.
 Probably looked like a Frantic Lunatic Chicken...with it's head chopped off, 
running around the yard, yelling 

Immediately ran to the highway, thinking...'I can't bury another Loved One, today.'
That highway, is a Killer.
: (.....
It happens, in the blink of an eye.

When I didn't see her, ran to Justin's Shop...to get The Boys, to help me search for her.
Just as I rounded the shop's corner, Kelsey...and Peanut, were heading towards me.

If it wasn't for Peanut's Love...for Bear, she would've been in the highway.
Peanut, and Bear, play every morning, when I snap Peanut out.
So Grateful...she went left, searching for him...and not to the right, and certain death.
So Grateful...for Bear!!

Don't think I fully recovered, from that Shock...all day.

Finding that Cool...Vintage Christmas, gave me the excuse to listen to my Favorite Christmas Tune, by Elvis.
; )
That...helped, a little...as I worked.

Pal, Bill...keeps bringing Truck Load...after Truck Load...in.
He has 4, 10x20 Tents, he's filling...plus, Outdoor Things.
When I say...This is Gonna Be A HUGE Sale...
Believe It!!.
; )

Better get Hoppin'!!
Got a Long Way To Go!!
A Short Time...to Get There!!

Love to Ya.
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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