Saturday, September 10, 2022


Spent yesterday...unpacking, repacking, cleaning... and repricing DOZEN'S of Totes...from The Hen House.
; )
Cleaned...The Ford, Completely Out...too.
; )

Thought...the Old, Wooden Cigar Box...and the Pastel...Christmas Ornament's, that were tucked inside The Ford,
from Charlie, and Mt. Pleasant...last week... 
seemed kinda fittin'...

I'll be posting Many 'Fall Harvest Sale'... Images, soon.
; )

Tweaked my back, yesterday...while pulling down The Fuso's back door.
: (
Brandon, and I...Struggled with it, at the end of the day, for nearly an hour.
It...was Ugly.
: (
Glad It didn't Pull that 'Trick', at Gold Rush.
; )
Would've had to Cripple It Home...
And...Limpin', on 5 tires.
; )
{Livin' The Dream'!!! ; ) }

We got the door closed.
I'd bet...Helper, Brandon...
is 'Feelin' It', too.
; (

What...a Ride.
; )

The Above...Amazing, and Forever...Treasured...Image, 
of Scout,
was captured by Photographer, Melody Smith, many...years ago.

Melody...{below} was a 'Rabbit Hole' Visitor, back in The Day,
Always...looking for 'Photo Props', for her Business.
; )
Melody...doesn't do Professional Photography, anymore.
Makes me sad.
She...was The Very Best.

We conducted Melody's Mom's Estate Sale, recently.

Melody...texted me, today...
 wondered if I'd like to attend a 'Goo Goo Dolls' Concert, with her...
and her Wonderful Husband, week, she had an extra ticket.
; )
{Don't know who the 'Goo Goo Dolls', are...  and explained...I'll be working every day...through The Fall Harvest Sale, but...if she couldn't find a 'Home'...for the ticket, I'd purchase it...
I'd Love to join them.
; )
So Adore, both...Melody, and Steve.
Melody told me to look them up, when I told her...I wasn't familiar.
I did.
'Punk Rock'.

: ) }


As, I sat...and thought about, it... 
{If Ya...visit this blog, You Know, I Love Music.
All Sort's...of Music.

Everything...from Pachelbel, to Miranda Lambert.
Patsy The Cars.
Hank Williams, to Aerosmith.
Big Mama Thornton, to...
 : )

I...don't recall...
ever posting 'Punk Rock'.}
: )

As I typed that last statement...
made me think...of  a Mae West quote.
; )

"I'll try anything once, 
twice...if I like it,
three times,
to make sure."

; )

If... Melody...thinks I'd enjoy The Goo Goo Dolls, I will.
She, and Steve...Love, 'Davina and The Vagabonds'...Too!
They are Both...Artists.

If...they don't find another 'Home', for that ticket...
I'll let Ya Know... how it goes.
; )

{So Grateful...for The Invite. <3 }

We're Finally...getting a little Rain, this evening.
As I sit here, and write...
made me think...of a 'Tune'.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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