Friday, September 2, 2022

'Love The Giver'...

Pal, Patti, {Fern Hill, South Amana, Iowa} called yesterday, late...afternoon.
Asked if I'd be around....she, and her Daughter, Steph...{Frond Design Studios, Fairfax, Iowa }
thought about poppin' in, for a bit.
; )
{They brought me a Fabulous Fish Sandwich!! ; ) }

We met at The Rabbit Hole....sat in the shade, next to The Fountain.
; )
Had a Cool...Refreshing Beverage, while we visited.
Patti, rustled up sippin' vessels, from The Rabbit Hole.
Patti picked, one of the Motto Cups, for herself... I'd found on one of the last two 'Southern Iowa' Runs.
{Charlie's Barn Sale ; ) }
It's from the late 1800's...and says, "Love The Giver".
It was Fitting.
Both, Patti, and Steph...are Such 'Giving'...People.
I refer to my 'Irish Family'.
; )
Sent the little Mug, Home...with Patti.
It was Perfect.
: )
{When I see them, I always pick them up. They make such wonderful gifts. 
My Old...Pal, Julie, taught me about them, decades ago.
She...had an amazing eye.
: )
I think of Julie, when I find them.
Julie, had a Lovely Antique Shop, in her West Amana.
'Cricket on The Hearth'.
Sadly, learned...last week, Julie...has passed away. 

Julie, and I...traveled a million miles, together, back in the day.
Those...were The Days. ; ) 
Oh my... Julie, and I...were Total Opposites.
She...was so well spoken. 
Highly Educated, Tall...Beautiful....Willowy.
I, on the other hand...wasn't!!
; )
Somehow, we got along, so Great!
; )
Julie, was one of the Funniest People, I've ever known.
Most people, were surprised, when I'd describe Julie, that way.
She was so quiet, and proper, in Public.
; )
Julie...could have me Rolling!!! Rolling, with Laughter.
; ) ; ) ; )
My favorite 'Julie' Story, {there are a couple, Honor, of her 'Memory', I'll only share this one, for now. ; ) }

Julie, and I...came from Totally...Different Backgrounds.
I was raised, more like a Farmer's Son.
Julie, was a 'City Girl'.

Julie...learned a Lot, when we traveled together.
; )
One, Extremely Hot Day, we were Junkin', in Southern Iowa.
We'd stopped in Bonaparte, a Shop.
Told Julie, when we left Home, to NOT LET ME SHUT OFF THE FORD!!
; )
I was driving a 96 Ford Ranger, at the had issues.
; )
It had a 5 speed transmission, the clutch sensor, was being Naughty.
Sometimes...when ya shut him off, he'd refuse to start.
oh dear.
Ya never knew When...He'd Choose Not To.
as long as I didn't shut him off, we'd have No Problem.
; )

We'd made many stops, before we hit Bonaparte.
Never shut him off.
for Some Reason, when we pulled in at the Shop, in Bonaparte, I hit the switch.
: (
The Ford...decided, he'd take That opportunity, to not start.
: (

We had that little Ford, Loaded, too.
; )
oh my.

We, went in, and Shopped the Shop...
then, broke the news to Julie, we were going to have to Push...The Ford, to get him started.
{I've done it, a million times, over my life... no big deal.}

We pushed The Ford, out into Bonaparte's Main Street.
Never any traffic..there.
You're Pushing a Ford, down Main Street.
; )
We had cars backed up...for a Block, watching us.
People...were watching us through the Store Front Windows.
oh my. Julie, we were going to have to RUN...Run Fast...while pushing The Ford.
She opened up the passenger's door, to push on the door frame.
I, looked at her...and said...{as People were Piling Up, behind us, from Nowhere...}
"What are you doing??"
 Julie said, "Pushing!!!"
Told Julie, to Push...on The Tailgate.
She'd Take Out Every Parked Car, with the Passenger's Door, Wide Open!!
; )
Julie, went to the Tailgate.
; )

We Started Pushing...
got The Ford, Rolling...pretty good, I bailed in, slipped him in gear... popped the clutch, 
Not Fast Enough!!
Kicked my shoes off...
looked at Julie, and... said...
"RUN...RUN...RUN!!! We've Got To Get More Speed!!!"
{More Cars...lining Up. oh my!!!}

Julie and I...Gave It Everything We Had!!!
We Were Running Down Main Street, Bonaparte...
I could Barely...jump in the Ford's Seat, fast enough!!!
Slipped him in Gear...Popped the clutch, and The Ford...Took Off!!
: )
I glanced in the rear view mirror, and saw Julie.
Her Fingers...Locked Tight, White...
 on The Ford's Tailgate, and...could see just the top of her head, Julie's EYES...were as Big as Saucers!!!!
Holding ON To The Moving Ford!!!

Holy SMOKES!!!

I, couldn't hit the brakes, Julie, would've been Face The Ford's Tailgate!!!
I, gently...brought The Ford, to a Stop.
Julie...came Running to The Ford's Passenger's Door, FLUNG It Open...
{God,, I...tried so Hard, to Keep Choking Down, Laughter.}

I, looked at Julie, all I could muster...was...
 "Why...didn't you let go of the Truck, when it took off?"
Julie, looked at me, and said...with, what little breath, she had...
Dagger Stare....
"You Didn't Tell Me I Was Supposed To!!!"
<3 <3 <3 

When I shared the 'Bonaparte' Story, with John...the next day, John...was Rolling!!
He drew a picture, of what he imagined I the mirror.
He gave it to Julie.
; )
THAT, was another... 'Priceless'...'Julie'...Moment!!
; )

It wouldn't have been funny, had Julie been hurt.
We got into So Many Scrapes, over the years. Adventure, riding with The Mad Hatter.
; )

Stephanie. <3

We sat, and visited...for a long time.

The Roads...
Miles, we've traveled.

Patti, and Steph... are two of The Hardest Working People, I've ever known.
I've known them..for at least, 22 years.
We've seen it all.
We've shared the Very Best...of times, and...some of the very worst, over the years.
We've laughed...until we cried, and...sometimes...cry, until something, finally...makes us laugh, again.
{That's the 'Irish' in us. ; ) }

We always seem to solve the world's problems, when we have a few moments, to sit, and ponder...about it all.
: )

They've sure been Wonderful Warriors, throughout the years.
Especially...over the last several, dealing with Fairfax, and IDOT.

Patti, left before dark, she has a drive.
Steph, is only a mile, we chatted until late.

It was Wonderful, sittin' back...and relaxing.
None of us, do that often enough.

I think of Peg, Julie...all of Those, who've been such Warriors, over the years...
 when I'm at The Rabbit Hole.

It was Wonderful, last night, visiting, with Steph...and Patti.

If that little Rabbit Hole, could Talk.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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