Thursday, September 22, 2022

Holy...Smokes. What a Day.

This...has been a Long, Long...Day.
Been up since 4:30 a.m.
That 26 foot Tent, we were setting up in the Horrible Drive, IDOT left us with...
was bothering me to no end.

They've encroached so much...with Fairfax's Bike Trail...accommodations, there's very little driveway left.

When Pal, Bill... arrived, I'd already purchased a new, 20 foot Tent.
Couldn't stand having that 26 Foot Tent, so the Highway.
Every Single Inch...matters,

Little Justin, me...and Bill....carried the 26 Foot Frame, back... behind the House.
we put up the 20 footer, in the drive.
: (
It's not nearly big enough.
The other is 12x26.
This 10x20.
Every Inch...Matters.

Started Purging The Garage, this afternoon.
Holy Smokes.
I haven't been in that garage in three years, except...when I'd have The Boys, put things in there...from Estates, along with things...from The Rabbit Hole, and The Box Truck...when we were loading for Shows.
Holy Smokes.

I opened the garage door, to a Wall.
{Barely...made a Dent, in}
Being Closed...for Three Years, has really made a Mess...of things.

On the Upside... found some wonderful...'Old Friends'. 
: )
It's been a Long Time...since I've seen them.
Old...Quilts, an AMAZING Early, to Mid...1800's Rope Bed, a Mid 1800's Spinet Piano Case/Frame, that I Adore.
It's a Perfect Display Piece.
I can See It...Filled with Pumpkins...Christmas...Dishes...Textiles...Anything, Everything...
will look Amazing, in that Gnarly...Old, Old....Piano Frame.
{I..can even see it as a 'Server'...with Food, Wine...It's...Incredible.}
: )
{Have another, that I won't sell. It held both, Mom's and John's their 'Celebration of Life', gatherings, in 2014.
It was Perfect.}

Above...was John's Celebration of Life.
The little Spinet Piano Frame, in front of Jethro...
So Proudly...held John's Ashes.

You can see...the little Spinet's Case...behind Brother in Law, Jim.
{Sister, Chery's Husband}
Jim...has such a Beautiful Voice.
Mom, Loved to hear Jim... Sing.
: )
{She, often...Sang With Him!! <3 }
; )
As Jim was singing Mom's Favorite Tune, 'Yellow Bird', under John's Old...Oak, that day...
a Ray of Sun...Shined Brilliantly on that little Spinet, holding Roses, and Mom's Ashes.
; )
It...was Breathtaking.
; )

; )

I'll be back at the morning.
Done, for Today.
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C. 

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