Monday, March 21, 2022

Never... say, 'Never'.

Miss. Scarlett's Birthday Party, was Sunday.

I'm The 'Balloon' Grandma.
; )
{One...can Never...Have, Too Many...Ya Know. : ) }

Liz decided to have Scarlett's Birthday, at The Elberon.
It...was Beautiful.

Told Son, we watched the Children play...
"This Day, is So the 17th. day, of March...1985, when You were Born. 
Sunny...and, So Warm. Perfect, and...So Unseasonable, for Iowa. <3 "

The Kids, live just a few door's down, from Elberon's Park.
It...was Perfect.

After Justin, Katie...and their Kiddo's took off, Adam said, "Ya know...I bet Gypsy would start today."
: )

So...Adam, his Pal...JR, and me...went to Adam, and Liz' find out.
; )
Yes...She Did!
I climbed in...Took her for a Drive.
; )

Adam's still got some major work, to do on her...
but, it was Great...
Bouncin' Down The Road, in The Gypsy Ford, it's been Too Long!

After I parked the Old Gypsy, at the Park, JR got a message from someone...
that there'd been a horrible accident, at the intersection of 21, and 30.
Just a few miles from where we were...
I, said..."Sure hope everyone is OK."
JR, sounded pretty serious.
; (
Then...Liz said...that I should check and see if Justin, Katie...and Kids, are Home.
{They were going that way.}

So...I texted....them both.
Called...them both.
No reply.
: (

So many things rushed through my mind.
Things...I can't begin to put into words.

Asked Liz to text them...too.
: (

Decided I'd better take a drive.
Headed for Jethro.
Liz...came running up, and jumped in...with me.

As Jethro...was making Fast Strides, towards 30, it crossed my mind, 'How Many Times'...have we made Fast Runs, like this?

How Many Times...has a Day, been So Beautiful, 'Perfect'...
only to end, in a Crushing Way.

: (
{The 'Too Many'.}

The Friend, I was talking with, night before last...would agree.
We've seen 'That', first hand....not long ago.
: (

Liz, was calling Folks, from the area, as we were driving...who would know every detail of the accident.
We were assured, Katie's Excursion...wasn't one of Trucks involved.
They must've just...been ahead of it.

Katie, is an Excellent Driver, all of our Kid's are....'s the other Driver's, I worry about.
Sometimes, it's just a freak accident, that Nobody...had any control over.
Things 'Happen' The Blink, of an Eye.

Praise God, it wasn't.
Liz, and I Prayed...for Those, who were...involved.

{The intersection of 30, and So Dangerous.
Has been, for as long as I can remember.
Hopefully, IDOT will make it like the new 218, and 30...intersection, as they are widening this stretch.}

About then, both, Katie, and Justin got back to us.

Turned Jethro...around, headed back to The Park.

That...little 'Run', just....about, did me in.
oh my.

When we returned to The Park, Adam had his Indian Motorcycle, out...for the Year.
The Kid's have begged me to ride it, with Adam.
: )

"Nope, but...Thanks!"
; )
"Appreciate the Offer."
; )

I'm not a Motorcycle Person.
Never have been.
{had a couple of ugly experiences when I was young, riding on the back, of Harley's...with Friends.
Guess, I'm one of 'Those'...who prefer to do the 'drivin'.
; )
{Have No 'drive'...a Motorcycle.
I'll Drive Anything...with 4 Wheels, or More.
4 Legs, like 'Horses'.
Yeah. }
; )

 felt, this must be a 'Lucky Day',
 told the Kids...I was ready to Ride.
They Couldn't Believe It!!
Liz...was Thrilled.
; )

I Do Trust Adam's Driving.
Think, that was also a Huge factor, of Climbin' On.
and, just Cleaning Out My Brain...that, was still in Shock.

Took a couple videos, as we toured the Countryside.
: )

It was a Fun Ride, but...still not a fan of the 'back seat'.
; )

{or...two wheels.}
; )

Back to Work.
{ getting his Toenails Trimmed, this afternoon, then...meeting with a Friend.}
'Tick Tock'

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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