Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Had some unpleasant business...to attend to, this Evening.
On my way home...from that meeting, popped in at 
Edith Lucielle's.
: )

Don't know...if I like it so much, because it brings back memories...from decades ago... when it was Squaw Creek Tap,
because It's So Cool, inside, and The Food...is Awesome!!!
Both...I, suppose.
: )

Don't often 'Cheat'...on my Vegetarian ways, but...
when I do, it's usually at E&L's.
; )

French Onion Soup...
Baked Beans.
; )

I'm not a bread eater...never have been.
The bun...comes home to Peanut.
{along with 'most' of the meat. }
That Swiss Cheese, didn't come Home, in a To Go Box.
; )
; )

I...eat onions, like most Folks...eat bread.
{no wonder...people don't get too close to me!!! Hahahaha!!!}

E&L's Tenderloin...is more like a hand breaded Pork Chop.
{I like a little Pork Chop, with my Mustard, too. Hahahahaha!!! ; ) }

'The Rules'
; )

Wrote a long post, last night...
then, deleted most of it.

This 'anger'...is very difficult to deal with.
Damn it.
Working down the rabbit hole, used to be....my 'Therapy'.
My... 'Go To'.
My 'Friend'.

It's been Violated...

I...find That, extremely 'difficult', to 'deal'...with.
oh my.

I'm tryin'.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{It's Raining...heavy. No sleep tonight.}


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