Tuesday, March 1, 2022


John's...Cousin, Duffy's... Dad...Merle Price, was laid to Rest...today.

I never had the honor...of meeting Duff's Dad, but...
I, sure know his Wonderful...Son.
: )

Duff, and John...were very close.
Duff...was at the hospital, every morning, and evening....after John had his brain surgery.
Duff...like John, is someone...one...would never want to 'mess' with.

Like John, Duff...is Tuff, on the outside, and...a marshmallow, on the inside.
Duff, would've done anything, for John.
He'd...probably...do, most anything...for me, and ours...too.
That's just the
kind of Man...he is.

Out of Respect...for Duff, I wanted to be there to support him, and his Family.

It was good seeing John's Brothers, Ken, and Donald. Haven't seen them...in a long time.

Duff and I visited...a lot.
He brought up...'This Mess', in Fairfax.
I, stopped him.
wasn't the day.

Sure wish, I could've met Duff's Dad, Merle...so I could've Thanked Him...for raising such a Wonderful Son, who's meant So Much, to John...and, our Family.

I'd intended on just going to Merle's Visitation...today, then...coming back home, to work.
couldn't leave.

It was a good thing.
When the funeral folks...were unloading Merle's Casket...from the Hearse...
I, was just walking up to the Hearse, everyone else attending was already seated, or standing behind the immediate Family.
The funeral...folks, had only three people, guiding Merle's Casket, on a rolling cart.
When they were trying to lift it up...over the curb, Merle, and his Casket...began to slide.
John, and Merle...Both...must've Been There.
: )
I got on the end of Merle's Casket...and, between the four of us...'Living Folks'...we got everything...straightened around.
; )
oh my.
{I remember holding Merle's Casket...Up...and, looking at Those People, that were supposed to be in charge...and asking them...quietly...
"Where Are We Going???!!!"
oh my.

{a question...I find myself, asking a lot lately, concerning... Everything.}

They didn't answer.
{big surprise}
We just kept...moving forward.

After we got Merle...Situated, Duff...shouted, 
"Thanks Barb...for Saving My Dad!!!"
; )
I, smiled...and said, "I feel honored, after 'All'...Your Dad has Done, by Serving Our Country, and...being a Big Part, of bringing You...to Us, I feel privileged."
{and...Grateful...my back...held Up. oh my. <3 
That's a 'God Thing!' }

Somehow...I, believe...John, and Merle...had this All Planned,
 and were Laughing Their Asses Off!!!
: )
: ) 
: )

; ) ; )

This was a difficult day, for so many.

Watching Soldiers Carefully Fold an American Flag...
that was draped over a Soldier's Coffin,
then, kneel, and hand It to The Family, mourning...

Listening to The Guns, Fire.
The Bugler...Playing...Taps.


Fine Men.

I'll be headed back to work...down The Rabbit Hole, in the morning.
March 31, is coming quickly.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{Can't Begin to say what a Beautiful...collage, Stephanie, Duff's Beautiful Partner, put together...for Merle.
Actually, she put Three...together.
Hundreds of Pictures.
Duff, and Merle...were Close.
Stephanie, and Duff...Cared for Merle, the last several years.
<3 }

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