Wednesday, August 25, 2021 I wonder.

When I hit the sack...last night, 
snuggled with Peanut, thinking about...what I was going to wake up to...this morning.
Can't worry about it.
Love The Rain...So Needed.
Sure don't like it in our Home. 
Kept getting up...through the night, checking the wetvac.
By the Grace...of God, it held.
Ran the rain, and repositioned the IDOT's Worthless...'Temporary' fix.
It has to lay...Just Right, won't work.
: (
If it gets moved, for any reason...the wind blows on it, won't drain.
: (

I was looking at Peanut, remembering how abused she was, when Heather, and Liz...found her.
Why, should I wonder...when there are humans on this planet, that can be so a Critter, that humans could be as cruel, and people, as well.
Don't know why....I'm so disappointed in IDOT, and City Hall, after all...
They, too...are just 'humans'. embarrassed, and incredibly disappointed, by those kind of 'humans'.

Don't get me wrong, there's some Mighty Fine...Humans.

May God Bless Them.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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