Tuesday, August 24, 2021



Made 'er Home...early Sunday Evening.

I'd written a long post, Sunday night...
but, after I re-read it, it...just didn't read...right, to me.
So...deleted it.

 Have to run...pretty soon, so...I'll try to sum it all up, quickly...
this morning.
{may be difficult ; ) }

Everything...that went 'South'....and threw me for a loop, over the weekend, turned Upright, so perfectly, again, and again.

If the Ugly...things, hadn't happened...
The Great...things, wouldn't have...either.


They 'Happened' Time...after Time.
In 'Real'...Time.

'God Things'.

Met some Wonderful People, visited with Great Folks...hadn't seen in so long.

Also...learned, I pushed my right arm...far...too hard.
It'll most likely be a couple of weeks, getting it healed up.
Forgot...how bad, it....was, when I first crushed it.
 Was reminded...in spades....Sunday, and Monday.
A little better, today.

Spent the entire day...in John's Old...Lazy Boy, yesterday...
binge watching 1950's Perry Mason episodes.

John...and I...used to watch Perry Mason, a lot.
John could name off every Car...
there were some Amazing...Cars, in the 1950's.
We both enjoyed Mysteries...
thinking about it...this morning, really...don't need to 'watch' mysteries...anymore,
we're All living in One.
I, like to call 'this one'....
The Twilight Zone.

We had Wonderful Rain...early, Monday morning.
don't know if this is the 6th, or...7th....time, now....
water came inside the new addition.
Had to drag out the floor scrubber, again...to suck it up.
Don't know why I bother...putting it away.

Thanks, IDOT District 6, and Fairfax City Hall.
None of this would be 'happening'...had they simply kept their word, with our 
Recorded Agreement.

 Breached It.

Spit in our faces...

Wonder how long...'Temporary'  is....to District 6?
It's been a year and a half, of this.

Pulled in.. what used to be a sound drive...{before the Wrongfulness}
with The FUSO, Sunday...
and bristled.
It's such a mess.
Dragging my luggage across it, from the back of the FUSO...was...a mess.

I'll shoot off another e-mail, to District 6, about this Drive...Not Being Acceptable...
heck, maybe...I'll just go visit them in person.

{The FUSO's issue, at Gold Rush...was nothing more...than a loose ground wire.
Praise God!!
Thanks, so Much...to Adam, he had it fixed...in seconds, Sunday.

Thanks, so Much...to Adam, Liz...and Porter, Sam...
we were loaded out of Gold Rush...in 35 minutes.
: )

That's a Record.

sold...a lot.

Much Lighter Load...


Helping my Cousins, today...with my Aunt's Estate Sale, that will start on Thursday.
Told them last night, I won't be able to write...but, I'll throw prices at 'em... they can tag....
we'll Fly...through it.
; )

My Friend, who was in the hospital...was released.
Praise God.
She's still struggling, so...Prayers, are still needed, but, she's Home.
: )

Tomorrow, meeting with another Friend, whom we'll be conducting a Living Estate Sale for...
West, of Cedar Rapids, in mid November.
She's struggling, too.
So Many...Are.

One Day...at a Time...My Friends.
One...Day, at a Time.

Gotta Fly.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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