Saturday, August 7, 2021

Do...or, let it Die.

When I heart is absolutely this IDOT/Fairfax wrongfulness.
I mean it.
When I say...I can't bear to look at what used to be my the daylight.
I, mean it.

It's come the decide, to either try...and put 'Humpty Dumpty' back together...
or...simply let it die.
Wasn't sure...I had it in my heart.

Thursday...decided to to give it a try, to start picking up...the pieces.
Brandon helped me, for about three hours, that morning.
I worked...until dark.

The labor, was nothing....the heartbreak, or...trying to push through it, was very difficult.

The Wild Grapes, seemed to be lovingly enveloping....the rabbit hole.
Protecting it...sheltering it....from the carnage, just a few feet from it.
Couldn't see the path, or...get in the door.

The tin brooder house  roof, on the what we used to make the pergola, below...along with 4 old porch posts, old picket fence...old, old...Widow's Walk...ladders.
Had three of the brooder tops. Sold one...a long time ago...this has been get done...for too long.

Yesterday... was the day.
If anything could go wrong, it did.
When Brandon and I...finally got the column's attached, there was no way...he and I could get it on it's feet.
Called, Pal...Bill.
Told him we could sure use an extra pair of hands.
: )
He Saved The Day!!
We never could've gotten it done, without him.

Then, just before dark...Bill left, and Pal, Steph...popped in.
Told me... "I see a 'Spark'. : ) "


I...just know, I've got to do...something.
One a time, I guess.
Still have get done.
Landscaping...trimming. cleaning.
It's a start. 

Very Grateful...for Friends.

Heading to a Car Show...the Kids want me to go to...with
Adam entered the '49 Ford Truck, in the Show.
: )
He's so Proud...of that Old...Truck.
Makes my heart swell...when I see him drive it.
; )

Gotta Go.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.


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