Wednesday, August 4, 2021


Had to laugh...yesterday...
when this 'Memory'...from a couple of years ago...popped up on FB.

My, oh my...
Never thought, back then...this would Still...seem so fitting.
About 5 years of this...Battle, between Fairfax City Hall, and IDOT District 6.

I was visiting with a Dear...Sweet...Friend, yesterday...she's going through Hell.
Has been, for the last several years.
She said to me...
"Your 'Home' supposed to be the place where you can run feel safe, loved, protected...your own  Sanctuary.
You should be able to find Peace...there."

She went on... "Not like This. Feeling at Risk...every single day. Living with 'this'...has taken my health down. My literally shutting down, from this insane stress."

I, said... "It's like living in Constant Torment. I...get it. No escape."

She..said... "Yes. Yes. Yes."
: ( : ( : ( 

Told her, tho...our circumstances are totally different, how...well...I understand.

After dealing with District 6, on no avail...concerning our Drive, and Messes, they've dumped on us...
yesterday...was a total wash.

Sometimes...for self preservation...I, just have to hide away.
if...I didn't, like my Dear Friend, I...think my body would collapse.
Spent the John's Old...Recliner. Friend, doesn't have that option.
: (
I'm worried about her.
: (

Should've been doing so much...yesterday.
Have SO get Done.
knew better, than to try to push any harder.

Climbin' the saddle, today.
Gotta get that Truck...unloaded.
Gotta get new batteries.,.in it, and the oil changed.
Gotta get sorting, cleaning...pricing...packing, for Gold Rush.
Gotta follow up on some information...District 6 sent me, on Monday.
oh my.

Wish...I would've had some Great...Advise, for my Friend, yesterday.
All...I could do...was listen, and promise to support her, whatever she needs, I'm here.

I will's pretty difficult to function...when there is no escape.
When...your Home...ceases to give you comfort.'s like walking into the abyss.

That's why...I, think...Sunday was such a beautiful afternoon, and evening.
I, actually...found Peace, for a bit, in The Big Room.
<3 wonderful that feels.
It's been

I Wish...and Pray, for That...for my Friend, and Everyone...who's fighting battles, wars...that aren't of their making, but...have no choice...other, than be in constant 'Warrior' mode, to survive.
Protect...your Family.

Find...Some rest.
Just...for a little while, now...and then.
Feed YOUR Spirit.

One Step...
One Day...
One...Moment, at a Time.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{Looking back, I'm Grateful...and Humbled, by Those...who have helped me over these last several years.
God, has placed some Amazing my life.
Most likely couldn't have survived...without Them.
My Friend,  one of them.
Remember...her telling me, a couple of years she wishes she could help me more, with this wrongfulness, but...didn't know how.
I, feel the same way...concerning her...Mess.
I always...have known, I could pick up the phone, and she'd listen.
Help me sort things out.
That...Is Huge.
She's Helped me...More...than she knows.
I'll do the same...for her.
Whatever she needs.
<3 }


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