Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Black Sheep.

Brought the Load home...from my Aunt, and Uncle's Farm...yesterday.

{don't ya just Love...our New, and Improved Crappy Drive, IDOT District 6 Blessed us with, and is doing Nothing...to make it Right, even after several...conversations.
What a Mess.
: ( }

Thanks, so much...to Cousin, Randy...and Pal, Steph...for helping me load it.

There was a 'Grind'...between Randy, and myself...during the Sale.
He, and Cousin Susie's Husband, Gary...took a bunch of our Estate Sale Signs, and put them out...
early Friday Morning.
When they returned, they both...were pretty unhappy about how difficult they are to put in the ground.
It's been dry, and going through rock...is no easy task.


Randy...went on, and said...
"Two of your signs were made wrong. The arrows are pointing opposite directions, I'm afraid that's going to confuse people."


I, stood there...looking at him...and said, 
"No they're not. They point the same direction...on both sides."

The Battle Was On.
Oh My Lord.

Randy...dug his heels in Deeper, Adamant...At LEAST Two of Those Signs Were Made Wrong.

We were Both...hustling around, trying to get last minute things done...
I, assured Randy...The Signs Were Correct.

Then...Randy yelled at Gary...to back him up, about the signs...being 'Wrong'.

I stood back, looked at them Both...told them they were Both...Mistaken.
Randy...would Not...Let It Go.

I turned to him..and said..."Randy, You are Most Definitely...a 'Dvorak'."
: )
{Mom...Uncle Frankie...and Randy. ; ) }
: )

He looked at me...and said...
"I Only Argue...When I Know...I'm Right!"

{Uh...Oh. ; ) Randy had Crossed a 'Line'...
ya see...THAT'S 'My' Line. ; )}

I just stood there...with a Frozen Smile....on my Face...

 Blew Him a Kiss..
.and said...
; )
"Me Too."

We were All...Too Busy, to retrieve the signs, so told Randy....we'd Simply have to Agree...
To Disagree, concerning The Signs.

Randy...let it go...for awhile....but, throughout the day...he kept bringing them up....
I'd bristle...and Snap...a little.
Finally....I waved my pointer finger at him...
told him...
"That's Enough...Randy.... I don't want to hear Another Word...about Those Signs."

As I was walking to Jethro...that night, just....getting ready to climb inside, Randy...was behind me, and had to get another Dig...in, about The Signs.
I stood there...looking at him, and Waved A Different Finger....at Randy.
"Randy...Here's a 'Sign'....for Ya." 
; )
and left.

The next morning...when I arrived, it was just me, and Randy there...for a bit.
I walked over to him, apologized for Flippin' him The Bird, the night before.
Gave him a Hug.
Told him...it was very disrespectful, of me. I was sorry.
We were all hot, exhausted...Whipped.
Randy said he didn't think anything of it.
: )
but...I, did.

When I picked up the Farm Stuff, yesterday....
Randy had our stack of Signs...in a pile.
I stood there...next to them...and Randy, said...
"Ok...show me."

Randy grinned, and said...
"I can't...You were right."
; )

Here's the deal...
I won't pick a fight, or an argument....I can't win.
One...That I can't Prove.
If I'm gonna pick a Battle, 
I'm going to win it....if it's Fought Fair.
I don't like to argue...or fight.
It's Exhausting.
I will, because 'I Ain't No Quitter'.
'Right is Right...
Wrong...is Wrong'.
; ) ; ) ; ) 
That's The Irish...Side.
; )

Randy...is a few years older that me.
I, think...he was going to be an Engineer, but...retired from Quaker.
We went to lunch...together...after we loaded the Ford, and had a wonderful...visit.
{Nothing was mentioned...about the signs. We won't speak of them... again. : ) }

I grew up...closest to his youngest Sister, Sallie.
Always thought of Randy...{the oldest Dvorak Cousin}..as 'The Golden Child'.}
He shared some of his 'Oat Sowin' Days'...stories...with me and Steph...I laughed, because...I always thought...'I'...was The Hell Raisin' Black Sheep...of The Family!!
Who Knew...Randy could Get a Little Crazy...Too!!!????
: )

It was Truly Wonderful...catching up with All of The Dvoraks.
<3 <3 <3 
Brought back so Many...Many....Wonderful Memories.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barbie C.


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