Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Be Kind... to Yourself, and Others.

Spent this day... 
at rest.
: )

Had many things that should've been tackled, but...
I needed this day.
Remember, many years ago...when I read the quote, about being kind to Yourself, and Others...
how it struck me.
The writer went on, and said... "It should be done in that order."
It's more difficult than ya might think.
I always used to feel guilty taking a day off.
So much work to be done.

Three times today...I heard Folks saying, in so many words...
"You can look back, but 'living'... is moving forward."

I probably spend a little too much time, looking back.
So many wonderful memories.
: )

When The Tree goes up, oh my...
It's a Christmas Tree, I don't forget The 'Reason', for The Season.
it's also, a Memory Tree.

The Tree Holds, a little snippet of Those who've been so Important in our lives.
Past, and Present.
Every Year... it holds More, and More.
So Many Blessings.

Put the tiny little Horse ornament on The Tree, this evening.
{This year, it made me think of Scout, too. <3}
I keep it in the big Dairy Cupboard, in the dining room.
It was the first ornament I bought, the first Christmas...I was out on my own.
Just me, and Dolsey... 
Beloved Great Dane.

I think of Farmer Friends, Lynn, and Lea....  and...Son in Law, Adam... when I look at this Old Toy Tractor.
{Lynn...would prefer it were 'Green', I'm sure. : ) hahahahaha. : ) }

Granddaughter, Miss. Willow, handed me the sweet little Jeweled Card, this Thanksgiving.

Getting ready to Invite... Welcome, Christmas, this last week, kinda set me back on my heels.
Allyson, and I...visited about that, when she called the other day.
I...don't know why.
There's been much to deal with, for a long time, came home to roost, this time.
I shared a little of the recent events.... with her.
: )
oh my.
; )

The Blessings, far Outweigh the 'interesting' events.

I See That, every time I look at 'The Tree'.
So Much...and, So be Grateful For.

I'll be The Saddle, Again...tomorrow.
Moving Forward.
: )
{The Good Lord Willing...and The Creek Don't Rise!! }
; )

Love to Ya.
Prayers...for All.

Barb C.

{Sad to hear of Fleetwood Mac's... Christine McVie's, Passing, today.
Such a Beautiful Artist. Such a Gift to Us. 

Fairfarren... Christine.
Thank You. }

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He says “orange” is good, too!!! Felt the same about Christine, so sad…