Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Thanksgiving Eve... Eve.

Starting to Prep... for Thanksgiving.
: )

Above are the knives we've used for decades.
They are over a hundred years old.
The steel... runs through the handle.
We use them for everything.
From spreading butter, to cutting meat.
Have about 25 of them in the house, we use.
All sharpened to different degrees.
Have at least that many in the Rabbit Hole.
Sell them, every now and then.
Folk's don't realize how incredibly versatile they are.
Not to mention...

I remember...having Friends over for a steak dinner, several years ago...
The Husband, looked at the knife I placed under his steak...didn't say anything...until he saw me cutting my steak with one like the above.
Then he said...
"Wow!!! When I saw the knife you gave me, wondered how I was going to cut meat with a 'butter knife'! These are Sharp!!"
; )


I wouldn't put them in a dishwasher, I don't have a dishwasher...I 'Am'...
The Dishwasher!!
: )
Wouldn't even know how to start a 'dishwasher'. Never had one.

Mom taught me to never put good knives in dishwater.
They need to be washed, and dried. 
Never soaked.

One, and Only...
Potato Masher.
Oh My Lord.
I'd Be Lost....without That Old Pal!!
It's Mashed...Tons of Potatoes, and Sweet Potatoes...over the decades.
It's over a hundred years old, too.
: )
Can't Imagine, the Work It's Done!!
: )

The Spoon, above...and the one in the top image, are amazing to me.
I use the one in the top image.
Marvel...at the one above.
Have...several like these.

The bowl tips are worn down...from stirring.
Can't Imagine, how much 'stirring' it would take, to wear the spoons down like this.

Simpler Times.
When Folks Home Cooked Three Meals a Day.
Canned, Baked Daily...Made Jellies, that all require, Lot's of Stirring.
Love it... that when the Spoons got worn, they...weren't replaced.
: )
Thrown Away.
They kept Using Them.
: )
I'm a long stretch from that First Generation.
Appreciate Them So.
They Still Work, Proudly...and Very Well, even after a hundred years, plus.

The only thing I prepared today...was Cranberry, Orange... Apple Relish.
It's easy.
Prepared about three quarts.
: )
It needs to sit overnight...and will keep for a long time.
Can't eat Turkey, without it.
: )
Over the years, I've cheated, and bought it, at my Hy-Vee.
It's So Expensive, these days...at the Deli... {lookin' at about 36.00 in prepared Cranberry Relish. or, about... 8.00, if I prepared it. } 
decided I'd make it myself, again, this year.
: )
I like Walnuts in it, Hy Vee doesn't put Walnuts, in theirs.

Wasn't going to prepare a Turkey, this year.
Liz...is bringing Ham, to Justin's.
{We're having Thanksgiving at Justin's this year. 
Justin, and the Grandkids have been through so much, this year... oh my.}
I make a Mean Stuffing, It's To Die For. : )
It has Apples, Maple Flavored Sausage...Butter, Mushrooms...Onions...Celery, Walnuts...and Much, Much...More.
: )
Wouldn't be 'Thanksgiving' without it.
{Liz said this morning... "Your 'Stuffing'... is more like a 'Casserole'!!!!"}
Yes...It Is.
: )
It...has to have Turkey giblets, and...the broth they're cooked in.

Nobody could get just the giblets for me, so...had to buy a Turkey, to get them.
I'll cook it all tomorrow...and make all of the Trimmings.
: )
Decided to make the Candied Sweet Potatoes, and Garlic Mashed Potatoes, at Justin's, on Thanksgiving.
I'll make the Gravy, here...and jar it up, tomorrow.
; )

Figured we could have sliced Turkey, along with the Ham.
: )
Liz, and Adam... Justin, too... buy their meat directly from Farmers, near them.
The Best.

Miss. Peanut, basking in The Sun...this morning.
; )
She has No Idea.... what Treats will be coming  Her Way...
Very Soon.
: )

Love to Ya.
Prayers....for All.

Barb C.

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